Pretender Luminous

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Lydia POV

Rimuru went an hour ago to the wastelands. I must say that the town slowly get's better. I can even see some places with green gras. Can you belive that ? That it suprises me that the grass is even green say's more then enough right ?

As I finished my normal stroll through the Town greeting everyone who greeted me I walked back into my House and sighed "I hope Rimuru is doing good" I said 

"Don't worry Rimuru will be back soon" Shuna said as she brought me Tea 

"You really don't need to do that Shuna" I said looking at her "Thank's" I said as I took the Tea

She giggled "Don't worry , that was part of my job when I was serving Rimuru-sama and you were a Princess" 

"Serving Rimuru-sama ? He never mentioned you but I could see from the Card's that both of you have something to do with him" I said looking at her 

"Is that so ? i bet he has his reason's" Shuna said smiling 

'Well I guess she won't spit out a single word about it' I thought 

"I should've gone with Rimuru .. here is nothing to do at all" Luminous said lying on the couch facing the roof with her stare 

"Haha .. I am sorry Luminous" I said looking a her "I noticed that you are a Vampire .. do you need blood or something like this ?"

Luminous stood up and walked to me smiling "Mhh~ How about I taste yours M-a-s-t-e-r~" she said

"Eh he .. haha better not" I said awkwardly 

"Luminous stop that" Shuna said simply 

"Shuna .. you are no fun really" Luminous said pouting and then looked at me again "I don't need blood so don't worry about that" 

Rimuru POV

As I was flying towards the nearest town in this wasteland I already sensed different races. A smile grew on my face .. finally I could fight again. 

As I was close enough to see who it was I was suprised "Ogre's ? Like Shuna ?" I said to myself but suddenly the Woman who seems to have the controll over them picked a Spear of her subbordinate and throwed it at me with great speed. 

I was shortly suprised but simply catched the Spear "Well that's a harsh Welcome from your side Miss" I said

As I looked around I even could see some Bandit's and the Human residents of this destroyed Town. 

"Who are you ? Don't dare to interupt" The Woman shouted at me 

"Whoaa .. is it normal that Ogre's always shout at me at first sight ?" I asked remembering Benimaru 

I then looked around to fing the Bandit's leader under them and spotted him. 'As always it's the big guy huh?' I thought 

My grip hardened on the spear and the Ogre's took a warry stance.

/Ciel can I infuse the spear with black lightning ?/ I asked my partner 

/The spear is one of the best weapon's forged in the Ogre tribe so it will withstand black lightning dear/ 

'Good .. well then say goodbye to your life Mr. Bandit asshole' I thought smiling 

Ogre's Mistress POV

Since I've become the Mistress of the Ogre clan after my Father the Lord passed away duo a weak/old Body with nothing really to eat I need to show everyone that I can lead our Clan/Tribe. 

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