chapter six

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chapter six. 

"I'm going to find you, witch," A deep voice growled, obviously belonging to that of a man. He stepped on a stray twig alerting whoever else that was near that he was coming for them. "And when I do, I'm going to make you wish you were never born."

Bonnie tried to run quietly. She was doing her best to avoid any large patches of dry leaves that could crunch or sticks that could snap. She was thinking about climbing one of the trees but she realized that she would have been in a terrible bind if she was seen.

Just as Bonnie smirked that she was far enough away from her, she lifted her foot and put it down. All of a sudden, right below her brown boots, she heard a snap. She couldn't hear anything for a split second, but just as fast as the stillness started, it stopped. Footsteps began to bang against the forest floor, getting closer to her with every step he made.

Not trying anymore to stay quiet, the Bennett witch took off down the long path of seemingly endless trees. As she glanced behind her, she saw that the man had brown hair, but she couldn't quite make out his face.

Who was he? Or, at the very least, who did he think she was?

Abruptly, she took left behind some random trees. She took off her neck scarf and threw it to her right. That way, if he came behind her, he'd think she took a right when in reality she kept straight.

However, the man chasing her was smarter than he looked. He appeared in front of her and she recognized him as one of the witches Damon had killed for going after Elena. "Please-" She started but was cut off by his deep voice getting closer to her.

"You sat back and watched me die," He started. As he walked toward her, she could feel her heart sinking. There was nowhere else for her to run. As he swung his arm to punch, Bonnie ducked and tried to turn. She knew she was way over her head if she thought she was winning this fight. As she turned and started to run, his foot connected to the back of her head.

She could feel blood begin to ooze from where she was kicked. She hit the ground with a thump, and a stray log slashed open her ankle. She let out a yelp, but her mind quickly blocked it out.

The man jumped on top of her, grabbing her head and beating it to the ground. He pulled out a knife and swiftly sliced her skin on her side. Bonnie's hands tried to travel up to his eyes, but pain echoed through every nerve in her body, she couldn't keep her hands from shaking.

Bonnie slammed her eyes shut just as the man lifted the knife and hovered it over her throat. All of a sudden, his weight disappeared off her torso. While his weight felt good no longer being pressed against her, it also was the only thing pressing against the cut he had made on her side.

Tears flowed down her closed eyes as she tried to use her trembling hands to put pressure on her wound. After all she did to finally be free of pain, even in death, she still couldn't escape it.

Her eyes opened slowly. The tears made what she was seeing a bit blurry, but instead of seeing the man from earlier, it was another man, or a boy, coming towards her. She tried to push herself up, but the pain didn't let up and her headache only worsened.

Just as she stood, her legs gave up and she braced herself from a fall she knew was coming. She never felt the ground bang against her open wounds and she didn't know why. Because in the next second, everything went black.


Bonnie Bennett was confused. As her eyes slowly fluttered open, her hands instinctively let go of the blanket she was holding and went to rub her eyes. She yawned and strength against the sof-

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