036 ; 50 years in the past

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"where are we..?" you ask quietly.

the hall looked like something you'd see at hogwarts, but older.

you reach a flight of stairs, yet with a male at the top.

"excuse me. could you tell me what's going on here?" harry asks as you both step up to the male.

he continues to stare up the stairs.

"are you tom riddle?" harry asks.

you feel heat rise to your cheeks as you look at the extremely attractive young male.

you grin behind your hand,

oh~ he would look so cute covered in blood!

"hello, can you hear me?" harry asks.

both you and harry look up the stairs to where who you assumed to be tom riddle was continuously staring at.

it was a bunch of wizards and witches watching as a dead body gets carried down the stairs by another four wizards.

you blink.

the body was on a stretcher and covered with a sheet, but one pale arm was still hanging out.

"riddle!" an oddly familiar voice calls out, you, harry and tom whisk around, your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets.

dumbledore!? jesus how old is this man, he still looks about fifty here

"come" he gestures to tom.

"professor dumbledore" tom walks over to him.

"dumbledore?" harry mutters.

you both follow behind tom.

"it is not wise to be wandering around this late hour, tom. "

"yes, professor. i suppose i..." he stammers, "i had to see for myself if the rumours were true"

you cross your arms in suspicion,


"i'm afraid they are, tom. they are true"

"about the school as well? i don't have a home to go to. they wouldn't really close hogwarts, would they, professor?"

i don't have a home either!

"i understand, tom, but i'm afraid... headmaster dippet may have no choice."

you and harry watch curiously.

"sir, if it all stopped, if the person responsible was caught..."

dumbledore eyes him suspiciously, "is there something... you wish to tell me?" he steps forwards slightly.

"no, sir. nothing" tom shakes his head slightly, dumbledore stares right into his soul, he gulps.

"very well, then. off you go"

"good night, sir"

you glance at harry before following after him as he runs after tom.

tom walks into another hallway and down a small flight of stairs, walking up to a door in another separate hallway.

he takes out his wand, looking around before pulling the door open.

"let's get you out of there" a quiet voice sounds from inside.

"evening, hagrid"

your eyes go wide.

something slams from inside as you try and peek in.

"i'm going to have to turn you in, hagrid. i don't think you meant it to kill anyone.."

you tilt your head.

"you can't! you don't understand" hagrid's voice can be heard from inside.

"the dead girl's parents will be here tomorrow. the least hogwarts can do is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered"

so you're calling yourself a thing now, huh?

"it wasn't him. aragog never killed no one. never!"

"monsters don't make goods pet, hagrid" tom says with fake sympathy.

"now, stand aside"


"stand aside, hagrid!"


"cistem aperio!" he does a spell on the large box behind hagrid, casting it open with the lid flying off.

a large spider crawls out quickly, you let out a quick scream, hugging harry's arm tightly.

you scream again and jump onto harry's back as the spider crawls passed you, shuddering heavily.

"arania exumai!" tom tries to hit the spider with a spell as you slowly get off harry's back.

"aragog!" hagrid calls desperately.

"aragog!" he goes to run for him, but ton points his wand at hagrid.

"i can't let you go. they'll have your wand for this, hagrid. you'll be expelled"

"hagrid!" harry calls as he holds his hand out, you grip harry's sleeve as you feel yourself and harry getting pulled back, most likely being sucked back into the gryffindor common room.

the door slams as you get about five meters away, "hagrid!!" harry calls desperately as you're both engulfed in light again.

you grab the tablet o stop yourself falling back as you're both shot out of the book and back into your chairs.

you blink in shock.

you clear your throat, "i should be going back"

he nods and you exit, easily avoiding the prefects and teachers as you sneak back into your common room.



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words ; 704

date posted ; 02/04/22


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