Jinkook - Ouchies

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Summary: What ARMY doesn't know, is that Jin and Jungkook had never gotten along. In fact, they didn't like each other. But when Jungkook starts to suddenly become very clumsy, he starts going to Jin to tend to his wounds.

Words: 2679


"Ow!" Jungkook, the youngest member of bts, yelled, after having gotten a splinter from trying to move a stupid old wooden chair.

He pouted dramatically, staring at the wood shard buried deep in his left index finger.

Only him and Jin were home; the others were all out doing stuff.

Jungkook sighed loudly, as he realized he'd have to go to Jin for help.

Him and the oldest member had never gotten along. They were always bickering about stuff, muttering things  under their breath about each other, laughing when the other would make a mistake, or drop something, or simply breathe.

But, Jungkook couldn't stomach the thought of taking the splinter out himself, yanking at his finger, digging into the flesh to pull a wood shard out.

He shivered at the thought. 

He sighed again, leaving his room to find Jin.

After all, the other was his hyung, and he was the oldest, so he did have to look after all the members...which included Jungkook.

The youngest found the other quickly. He was in the kitchen, as always, preparing himself a meal since it was lunchtime.

Jin merely glanced at Jungkook when he entered the kitchen, not even bothering to greet him.

Though, in his defence, neither did Jungkook.

"Hyung," Jungkook started, "I need you to do something for me."

"Why the hell would I do that," Said Jin, still cooking.

"I need you to get a splinter out of my finger," Jungkook explained, holding up his finger for Jin to see.

The skin around it was already red and inflamed, swelled up making it harder to get the wood out.

Jin looked at Jungkook now, a slight glare in place, then looked at the boy's finger.

"Of course you got a splinter," Jin muttered, roughly grabbing Jungkook's hand to look closer.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?" Jungkook  questioned, though his question was ignored.

"Why can't you get it out yourself, Jungkook?" The oldest asked with a bored tone, letting Jungkook's hand go as he turned back to the vegetables he was chopping.

"I tried to already, but I couldn't," Jungkook lied.

Jin gave him a look, silently letting him know that he didn't believe him.

"Whatever, go get me some tweezers."

Jungkook smiled slightly, leaving immediately to get the tweezers.

It was much easier for him to convince Jin than he expected.

When Jungkook returned with tweezers in hand (his right, not his left - which is the hand that had the splinter), Jin took them and immediately got to removing it.

Jungkook discretely looked away, cringing and wincing at the way Jin was harshly tugging the wood out.

"There," Jin said, "It's out. Go wash your hands and put a band-aid on."

He handed the tweezers back to Jungkook, who was slightly surprised Jin was telling him how to treat his wound afterward.

But he left without a word, going back to his bathroom, putting away the tweezers before washing his hands.

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