Taejin - Tummy Troubles

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Summary: Taehyung has been having tummy troubles, but can't seem to relieve himself of the pain properly. Luckily, his Jin hyung is there to help him.

(Warning: talks about farts and stuff in a non-sexual tense)

(This was so weird to write 💀)

Words: 1018


Taehyung curled up in his bed and whimpered, tears rolling down his face.

He was bloated and in so much pain – but no matter what he did, he just couldn't relieve himself of that pain.

He had been sick, with a stomach bug, the last few days because of something he ate, and the others would check up on him periodically, bringing him water, food, medicine, and anything else he needed.

But right now, he needed to get this crap out of his system – literally – but it wouldn't come out.

The pain of pushing was unbearable because of the built up pressure, so he wasn't able to push hard enough to get it out.

His crying increased when there was a knock on his door, and a 'Taehyung? It's your Jinnie hyung. I have food,' followed by the door opening.

Taehyung craned his head around to watch as Jin came in, carrying a plate of bland food that wouldn't further upset his stomach.

When Jin saw the state Taehyung was in, he immediately rushed over, setting the plate down on a side table beside Taehyung's bed.

"What happened?" Jin asked, "just two hours ago you seemed to be getting better!"

"Hyung," Taehyung cried, closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to look Jin in the eyes, feeling ashamed at what he was gonna say, "I-I can't...go!"

Jin sat next to the laying lump, stroking the sweaty hair from Taehyung's forehead.

Taehyung turned and laid his head in Jin's lap, crying into his thigh.

"What do you mean you 'can't go'? Where can't you go, Taehyung?"

"I-I...there's just too much pressure...I can't go but it hurts so bad!"

Jin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "what? I'm not understanding you, Taehyung."

Then, there was a sudden loud gurgling from Taehyung's stomach, causing Jin's attention to go there.

He pulled the blankets down to get a look at the younger's stomach, noticing how bloated and firm it was.

"Ohhhh," he said, "you can't go to the bathroom."

Taehyung nodded, crying from embarrassment and shame.

"That's okay, Taehyung. Do you want hyung to massage your sromach? It will relieve the pressure, and maybe after that you'll be able to go."

Taehyung nodded weakly, the shame flooding him.

"B-But don't make fun of me, o-okay, Hyungie?"

"Your hyung would never make fun of you, Tae," Jin reassured, "you're in pain right now, and I'm trying to help you not be in pain. Okay?"

Taehyung nodded.

Jin moved Taehyung so that he was on his stomach, and tried to pull the blankets down more, but was stopped by the younger gripping onto them and pulling them up more.


"I-I don't want you to...smell...it," Taehyung whispered.

Jin smiled, and nodded, reassuringly, "that's okay, baby bear. Just relax, okay? Hyung is gonna help you."

Taehyung blushed, putting a pillow over his face to hide from Jin.

Jin reached his hand under the covers, and lifted Taehyung's shirt up, pulling his pants down a bit, to be able to massage his stomach easier.

He bagan rubbing at it, pushing down firmly enough to actually do something, but light enough that it wouldn't hurt the boy.

Taehyung whimpered, as he could feel the pressure building, signalling what was about to happen.

A few minutes after Jin started his massage, a small fart left Taehyung, causing the boy to whimper from embarrassment.

"It's okay, Taehyung, it's only me. I won't tell the others about this if you don't want me to."

Taehyung nodded, pushing the pillow further onto his face as more farts left him.

He could already feel the painful pressure in his stomach going down, but it still really hurt.

Jin coaxed more farts out of him, and Taehyung was crying at the fact his oldest hyung had to see him like this.

Finally, after a while, the pressure in Taehyung's stomach was bareable, so he gently removed Jin's hand, taking the pillow from his face.

"I-I think I'll be able to go now, hyung," he whispered, not looking Jin in the eye.

Jin nodded, "okay. Thank you for letting me help you. Please don't feel embarrassed, okay? Hyungie loves you."

Taehyung hugged Jin, "I love you too."

Jin stood up, "I'll bring you a heating pad for when you're done in the bathroom, and some water and medicine. Please eat your food, though; you haven't eaten for hours."

Taehyung nodded, and smiled at his caring hyung.

Jin left, so Taehyung got out of bed, going to the bathroom.

He was finally able to relieve himself, and could feel tears welling up in his eyes from how emotional he's been.

He could still feel the shame looming around him, and he tried not to think about what Jin did for him.

When he finally got back from the bathroom, Jin was plugging the heating pad in, and smiled at Taehyung.

"Take these pills, Tae. It will help with your stomach," Jin instructed, handing Taehyung two round pills, along with a glass of water.

Taehyung took them, and then layed in bed, Jin helping to put the heating pad against his stomach.

He was propped up with pillows, and had the plate of food placed in his lap.

Jin kissed him on the forehead, and messed up his hair by ruffling his hand through it.

"Yoongi is making some Jook for you right now, for dinner."

Taehyung grinned, "tell him I said thank you. And thank you, too, Jin hyung. I love you."

Jin smiled back, and kissed Taehyung on the cheek again, "I love you, too, baby bear. Now eat up. And then I want you to rest, okay?"

Taehyung nodded, so Jin left.

Even though he was still embarrassed, Taehyung was so lucky to have such a caring hyung.

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