Our Story Thus Far

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Jay-The smartest, most magical blond you'll ever meet. No joke. Gets possessed sometimes and swears in spanish.

Stevie-Had an evil arc once. It was epic. Epicly funny. Sometimes gets drunk on forbidden kool-aid and tries to kill her friends. Saved Goose and Gleam's asses once.

Gleam-In the Chaos Squad. Just kinda there.

Goose-Fancy, chaotic, wears a suit 24/7. The MC this time.

Pheobe-The calmest redhead you'll ever meet. You will never meet her though because she died 4999 years ago.

Sauren-Caused a trend. Also very dead.

Arhi-Has mind control.

Ara-Also has mind control.


Book 1-So there was some forbidden kool-aid that stevie drank and decided to try and stab jay but jay had majik and helped stevie and now stevie is no longer having an evil arc. By the time this book starts she's pretty much fully recovered, all the people who drank the forbidden kool-aid were sent to the er, and the angrymon probably was moved. Also, the chaos squad moved.

Book 2-Jay got possessed and attempted to murder stevie several times but stevie defeated her with the power of fre sha vaca do and then the nice kool-aid lady who is definitely not arhi in disguise offered them some forbidden kool-aid and you will not know if they accepted or not.

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