chap- 2

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Taehyung is getting ready for the partime job he work at the convince store as a cashier.
he stared going towards convince store by taking his cycle cause he cannot waste his money on public transport.He need money for the university .

He does the partime job for 3 hrs upto to 9 and goes to university which opens at 10 in mean time he does the breakfast whatever he can afford and goes to university at 9: 45 and parks the cycle near uni where most the workers parks there cycle he cannot take cycle to uni as most of them are rich and seniors bully him if they see his cycle they will definitely destory take 90 min to came uni by walk he cannot do that for the tight schedule he has .so he parks the cycle and walking towards the university .

He doing his major in arts .
Today was the first day after the break .He can see many new faces as the first years are joining today .
He went his class and settled in the last row he never interact with any one most of them called him as nerd.

At lunch he approached towards the canteen he have seen a bunch of 3rd years apporach him and they stared bullying him . It was always they verbal humiliation him and some times physical abuse . It always happened to him .

Soon bell rang he had no time to eat so he left the canteen walked towards the class after the uni at 4 he walked towards library towards he studied for 2 hrs .The he moved towards the pizza shop where he worked as delivery guy . He park his cycle in pizza shop and took in bike which is for the pizza delivery .Today was hectic for him there were many orders as it is one of most famous here never had time to eat .He ate nothing since morning he reached the pizza shop at 11: 15 it was his time to go home but they order at this time .He thought to eat something but again he got go for delivery order due to order was from the big company they cannot reject it so here took the boxes moved towards the bike he felt little dizzy .But he drank some water and stared towards the going the company which is

The Jeon's

( To new readers Soory guys I have messed up order of chap 3 and 5 so just read according to the numbers I have specified )

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