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Jungkook went towards chanbeak mansion he took taehyung and layed him on bed .he took phone and called doctor.

Jungkook can see dark circle around taehyung eyes and he traced his baby's cheeks he lost his bread cheeks he know his baby was stressed from 2 days . jungkook leaned and kissed on the cheeks multiple times .he missed his bubbly baby a lot .

Chanbaek and doctor entered the room. doctor check up taehyung chanyeol and baekhyun just stood there little far from taehyung . jungkook was sitting near him .

"There bruises on body he need proper food and rest he will fine ".he said and left the place .

Jungkook was about leave but baek stopped him.
"Plz stay here night jungkook it will all be new to him you atleast support him" .baek said holding his tears .
Jungkook nodded and moved to other room he wants to leave them alone for some time.

Baek and chan just stood there.
"We got baby finally after 15 years yeol ,tae took lot of time to meet us "baek said hugging chanyeol tightly .
"Yes baby".

They moved towards tae ,baek and chan sat either side of bed .baek slowly traced his fingers on tae's cheeks .he remembered how how tae's was not leaving him on day he got kidnapped.

"Sorry baby mama didn't got your signal baby I should have understood you baby but I didn't I will promise you baby mama will never leave you alone baby".baek was sobbing .

"Clam down baek now our little is in between us we should celebrate this moment baby don't cry any more baby you cried lot for 15 years ".chanyeol said holding his own tears .

"Can you help me change his dress yeol" chanyeol nodded .

They removed taehyung shirt .
Baekhyun slowly cleaned tae's upper body with wet cloth .he remembered how he used to put lotion on baby soft skin which now fully covered purple bruises .tears where formed in his eyes he will toughest punishment to kim chaewon.

After cleaning baek hold taehyung close to neck and slept.chanyeol also slept along with them.

It was morning taehyung got up first . taehyung felt warm body against him he know it was not jungkook he felt so much familiar sent .tears were flowing we got know who he was .baek felt something wet on his neck .he moved to see his baby was crying.
"What happened baby is it hurting baby plz tell me"baek asked desperately .due which chanyeol also got up .
"Are you ok tae "chanyeol asked .
"I-I missed you guys so much time to come back mama"taehyung said sobbing badly and holding baek tightly .
"I know baby I took lot time plz forgive me baby plz forgive mama "baek and chan were sobbing badly holding tae in between them .
After some time there cries calm down . taehyung was still nuzzling in baek neck .
"I will go and make breakfast baby plz come down after finishing the bath "baek asked slowly softly playing with his little one hair .

When taehyung got down and back hugged baek again "5min baby every thing is ready "beak said tae just nodded his head.he was holding his mom after many he felt so happy.

Chanyeol and jk watching them will smile on there face.

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