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(Flash back after Jennie left the club on her birthday)

"You will be mine in few days taehyung just wait and watch".
She took car drove towards mansion .
"Hello dad where are you ".

"I am in my room baby ".

" Ok am coming."

After she entered her dad's room there he was working on something.

"Dad I want to marry someone".she said without any hesitation.

Her dad was flabbergasted after hearing that she was never this type she doesn't do relations she didn't even had any past relations but now suddenly she want marry someone.

"What are saying Jen have lost your mind ".her dad said.

"No I said I want marry him I love him lot ".

"What boy do ?"her dad asked furiously.

"He is same clg as me and he work pizza and convenience store ".

"Are you crazy Jen also these years you rejected many boys cause they don't match our status now wtf wrong with you wanna marry that pizza delivery boy".

"I love taehyung lot dad either support me or you know I will reveal your underground business choice is your dad ".she said with evil smile.

On other hand kim sang doesn't even know what to do his own daughter going against him for a mere delivery boy.
His phone ranged "1min he" said and lifted call.

"Sir he is coming to Korea ".
Why he is coming now.
"Yes sir he will come tomorrow".
"Ok .
Any information why he is coming".
"Nothing sir something went to this address ******".
"Are you crazy why didn't you said me earlier ".
"Sorry sir I didn't thought it was important ".

" You just keep an eye and update me".

He cut the call that's when it hit him .

"What is boy name

"Kim taehyung".

He smirked can you show me his photo .
"Offcourse dad" she took her phone show to him .

" I accept for this marriage Jen".he said .

"Really dad thank you so much ".she said excitedly.

" I will talk to his dad tomorrow we will arrange marriage within week ok".

She smiled this what she want she want taehyung for her as soon as possible.

Next Day he went to taehyung house.

Taehyung's dad was drinking .
"Hello ".
After hearing he was so shocked seeing kim sang in his house .
" "he bowed 90 degree.

"So I will just come to point I heard about your second son kim taehyung I want him for my daughter I will pay you 20 million".

"That useless person is not my son my wife just adopted him form the orphanage you can take him ".he said with a evil smirk.he was happy that he will get 20 million.

" If you try to sell of your son higher bid then remember that you won't be having other son any more ".he handed him check .

After that Kim sang left the house .After some time taehyung entered the house.

" why you did you called me "taehyung asked nervously.

"You will marry kim sang daughter Jennie ".


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