Chapter Nine

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You were by far the youngest at the party, but that didn't stop you from fitting in.
You danced with strangers for a while, then you started to sell. Sharon had done a crap job at hiding your bag.
She didn't notice at first, but she didn't do anything about it when she did.
Bucky and Sam both saw too. They didn't do anything either, except keep a close eye on you. They were busy trying to find leads for their mission.
Eventually, you ran out of your supply and you wanted to enjoy the party, so you started dancing again.
You were approached by two men.
"Hey guys you wanna dance?" you laughed.
"Eh actually, we heard you were selling" one of them said.
"Sorry I don't have anything" you shrugged.
"We can pay" the other guy mentioned.
You rolled your eyes and stopped dancing to face them.
"I'm sorry but like I said I don't have anything. I ran out."
"Look, we have money" the second guy said, pulling out a wad of cash from his pocket.
"Good for you. But I can't help you" you went to walk away, but the first guy stopped you.
His wrist grabbed your arm, and he pulled you to stand in front of him again. He got closer to your face.
"Actually I think you can."
"No I-"
"There are other things we can pay you for."
The guys smirked at each other.
"Oh" you realised and chuckled nervously. "Oh no. I don't-"
"Yeah" the second guy nodded in agreement. "Come on let's go find somewhere private."
"No... no! I'm not a fucking prostitute!"
"You better get your hands off her right now" Sam appeared in front of you.
"Or what?" one of the guys laughed.
Sam laughed back angrily, then stepped forward and punched the guy that was holding your wrist.
The other guy grabbed a hold of you, so you spun around and punched him in the face.
"Oh you shouldn't have done that" he frowned, and swung his fist back at you.
It was stopped the second before it could hit you.
Bucky had grabbed it, and he stepped between you, twisting the guys arm.
A moment later, Bucky and Sam were standing in front of you and the guys were on the floor. They got to their feet and hurriedly ran off.
Bucky and Sam turned back to you.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked.
"Yeah I'm fine" you said quietly, afraid they were going to yell at you.
They didn't have the chance to do anything before Sharon walked over.
"I thought I told you guys to lay low" she recalled. "I found him, come on."
"Here we go" Sam said. He took your hand and you walked out with Sharon while Bucky went to find Zemo.
They joined you by the car, and you sat in the back seat between Bucky and Sam with Sharon and Zemo in the front.
It wasn't a long drive.
When you got there, they all got out the car. But you stayed put and looked up at Bucky.
"Come on let's go" he held the door open for you.
"What?" you and Sam questioned in unison.
"I- I thought I was waiting in the car?" you asked.
"Yeah, do you really think she should be coming with us?" Sam asked Bucky.
"Why not?"
"Because we don't know much about this guy. He could be dangerous. What if something happens?"
"I'd rather something happens when I'm around so I can do something about it rather than leaving her alone and possibly putting her in danger. She'll be safer with us."
"What if we get into a shoot-out, and she gets hurt?"
"She won't."
"You don't know that."
"Look, I'm doing surveillance" Sharon said. "She can stay with me and be a look-out. She'll be completely safe."
"Fine" Bucky agreed. "Thank you."
"Is that okay?" Sam asked you.
You nodded and got out the car.
"Okay let's go" Sharon started walking.
"Hang on a sec" you said while opening the front door of the car, and you began to look around.
Sharon rolled her eyes and sighed. "They're in the glove box."
"Thanks" you called, and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. You slipped them in your pocket before the guys could see.
You got back out the car and Bucky held out his hand.
You walked with him hand-in-hand until Sharon pointed out a shipping container.
"Alright he's in there. Container four-two-six-one. I will keep an eye out while you guys talk to Nagel but hurry, we're on borrowed time."
She gave the guys ear-pieces and walked off in the other direction.
"Be safe princess" Bucky whispered.
"Will do Bucket" you smiled.
"Y/n hurry up!" Sharon called.
You waved and ran off.
When the others were out of sight, you lit a cigarette.
"That's a bad habit y/n" Sharon judged you.
"You literally murder people."
"Mhm. Sure."
"Positive it has to be."
"I'm not talking to you" she pointed at her ear-piece.
"So if Sam gets that pardon he promised, are you gonna come back to the states?" you asked.
"And your connections?"
"Gotta hold onto them."
"Of course."
"Hey, I think someone may be here." Sharon reached into her jacket and pulled out a gun. "Here."
"What's this for?"
"I don't kill people."
"Fine, just... injure them."
"I don't want to use this."
"Ugh, just take the gun!"
"Fine" you sighed, and took it.
You heard a car door slam not far away.
"Guys" Sharon said over the ear-piece. "We have company."
Sharon grabbed your hand and pulled you to stand against the side of a shipping container. She peered round the side, and saw several groups of men.
"Stay here" she instructed.
She took a metal pole from the floor and ran round the side.
You heard fighting and grunting, and you felt kinda useless.
"Y/n come on" she called, and you turned the corner to see three guys on the floor.
She started running, and you ran after her.
You didn't plan on killing anyone, but you cocked the gun just in case.
"Every bounty hunter in the city is here. We gotta go!"
Another man ran out in front of you, and Sharon took him down. Then another guy.
"Y/n get out of here!" Sharon called as she fought him.
You stood still and watched her, your feet nervously plastered to the floor.
"Go!" Sharon yelled.
You sprinted in the opposite direction, trying to find your way back to the car.
You kept running into dead-ends, and found yourself going in circles.
"Awww fuck" you whined under your breath.
Suddenly, you heard gunshots, and you stopped moving.
You didn't know what to do.
Sharon ran back to the shipping container that the guys were in.
"Guys we're seriously outta time here" she said as she hurried in.
Zemo quickly pulled out a gun and shot Nagel.
"No!" Sam yelled.
"What did you do?" Sharon gasped.
"Sharon, where the hell is y/n?!" Bucky noticed you were missing.
Before she could answer, a missile blasted through the window.
You were walking around, breathing slowly and heavily.
You held the gun as tightly as you could in your sweating palm.
You couldn't hear even the faint sound of Sharon fighting somewhere anymore.
After a minute, you heard an explosion. You could see flames blast up into the air. You heard an alarm start blaring.
You froze in place, unsure whether to run away or towards it.
Just a minute later, there was another explosion - bigger. The heat reached you.
A large amount of black smoke streamed up into the sky.
You quickly heard gunshots and a lot of yelling.
You hesitated, then ran towards the sound.
You ran round the corner and bumped into someone.
"Who are you?" the man asked, then looked down and saw the gun in your hand.
He kicked you backwards and you fell to the ground, dropping the gun.
You reached over to get it, and when you looked up again, the man was holding a knife.
He held it up in the air ready to throw it at you.
"No!" you screamed. You shut your eyes tightly and shot the gun at least ten times.
You felt blood splatter over your body, and you heard the sound of the knife clash with the floor.
You opened your eyes to see the man with holes all over his body, dripping blood everywhere.
He collapsed forward onto you.
He was dead.
You kicked him off you and crawled away.
You were covered in this man's blood.
You heard another explosion.
You gulped nervously and got to your feet as the gunfire continued. But you felt paralysed with nerves. You stood still, looking down at the man you had just killed.
You heard someone running, and your head jerked up in alarm. You quickly raised the gun.
You lowered it again when you saw the others.
Luckily, they saw you too.
"Y/n!" Bucky cried and hurried towards you.
You walked towards him, and you met in the middle.
"What happened?" he asked.
"There was so much blood" you whispered.
Bucky wiped some of the red spots off your face. He saw the man's body on the floor.
"He's dead" you confirmed for him. "I killed him."
You looked up at him, and he saw guilt and fear in your eyes.
He hugged you tightly, and you flinched when you heard more gunshots.
Sam ran over.
"Hey guys, we've gotta go" he reminded.
Bucky didn't hesitate to pick you up and started running again.
You held on, looking over his shoulder as he ran.
"Bucky!" you screamed when you saw someone with a gun.
He turned and the guy fired.
Bucky ducked and ran round the corner. He put you down and ripped a metal pole off one of the containers.
He disappeared back round the corner, and you heard fighting.
Sam grabbed your hand and pulled you away.
You looked back in worry.
Sharon opened the door to a shipping container and went inside.
"What about Bucky?" you asked before getting in.
"He's fine" Sam pointed, as Bucky ran towards you unharmed.
You entered the shipping container, and Bucky pulled the door closed behind you.
It was pitch black.
You couldn't see who it was that picked up and squeezed your hand. They guided you through the darkness, then the door at the other end was kicked open.
Sam was holding your hand, and Bucky held your other one as you stepped out.
A car pulled up in front of you.
"Supercharged" Zemo grinned from the front seat.
"You're going back to jail" Sam frowned at him.
"Do you want to find Karli or not?"
"He's right. We need him" Bucky sighed. "And there's two of us and at least twenty of them. Come on."
Bucky opened the door, and you climbed in the backseat. Then, he got in the front.
"Fine, but if you try that shit again..." Sam warned as he got in next to you.
"I wouldn't dream of it" Zemo claimed.
"Well that was one hell of a reunion" Sharon remarked. "Y/n I presume I'll be seeing you again soon."
You smiled weakly at her.
"Come back to the states with us" Sam suggested.
"I told you I can't. Just get me that pardon you promised me" she walked around to the other side of the car. "Here" she pulled a cigarette from her pocket and handed it to you. "You look like you need it."
"Oh I do" you took it without caring what the others thought. They didn't object.
You took out your lighter and lit it. You inhaled, then exhaled "oohhh my goddd."
"Thanks for everything Sharon" Sam said as she walked away. He sat down in the car. "You're not going to move your seat up, are you?"
"No" Bucky replied.
Zemo started driving, and you continued to smoke over the side of the car.

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