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7 Wilhelm's Pov:

The next morning, there was a sense of pressure in the air. Simon and Lena hold me tight with hopes of what needs to happen will happen. That day, Amy and Emma, our personal assistants, did everything they could to publicize the invention of our elections. You could see huge signs of me that say, 'Vote for a better future, choose now.'

"God, I'm so stressed," Emma fixed my outfit in the conference room of the palace and presented me with the findings of the market research.

"Yeah, I can see that," she looked worried as well. "God, Willa, what were you thinking? Do you realize what you've done? I've known you since you were a middle-aged baby, and I always knew you were a kid who loves challenges, but not like that, not at that level,"

"I appreciate your concern, Emma, but unfortunately this is the only solution I found as right. I'll give the people what they want," I said without fear. "See? That's exactly the problem! Look at the board. It looks like most of them are voting but not for your own good..."

"I don't mind losing, Emma. I've always told you that, I don't mind being king," I turned red, and became sweaty, I felt like a loser, like nobody. "Don't talk bullshit! You were born for it. It's your fucking damm destiny! Many people love you!"

"But it kind of sucks to work so hard for people who are willing to change their minds the moment one mean person says something bad about me and then they turn their heads around and are ready to vote against me,"

"You are probably right, but I still can't understand you. Well, I stood beside you when you and Simon had to hide from everyone, and this time I will stand beside you when you need to do exactly the opposite-to stand out."

"Get some rest now, I think you need it, and you got this. I really believe in you," She seems tired, but I felt calm again. "Thank you, I hope it'll be all right." I touched her shoulder with this stressed look. "It's going to be," she said before I closed the door and put air in my lungs to breathe as right. I was thinking about the future. Am I really prepared to live as an ordinary human being and leave my duties as king?

Simon suggested we take a break from this crazy day, so he took me to old Norrbro Bridge when it was getting dark. It was a frozen day. We put on top of us lots of layers of warm clothes and tried as many as possible to look like ordinary, local residents.

So that's how we walked hand in hand on the beautiful streets and saw the enormous bridge with its lights out of the ground, and the streetlights shining on the buildings all around. We stood only two of us on the bridge and we looked at the beauty ahead of us.

"I don't care who wins the election, baby. I've kind of missed being a regular, repulsive person, who people don't seem to like much, just so I could live with you in absolute privacy," Simon pulled me off the scarf.

"I wonder how we can live on as normal people now, after all, we've been through. Do you think we're ready for this? Len, too, do you think she's ready to be a normal girl?" I wondered as our noses turned red from the cold.

"I believe we all want to be normal in a way, without any burdens on our shoulders, but I just know that you were born for leading, I don't have a way to explain it, it's like there's a wild animal inside of you that's thirsty to help everyone,"

"Just five more hours to determine the law. Truth is, leading wasn't that bad so far. As long as I have you and our great daughter by my side, I feel we can do it, together, it's about the only thing I know how to do right somehow, but, you know, I'm not up to it,"

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