(12) Camilo's Interlude

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Another musical oneshot!!

So if you guys haven't seen the fan made song called Camilo's Interlude, you should go check it out! This fandom has such talented and creative people that deserve so so so much support!

"Hey, (Yn)?"

I look up from my book to see my best friend, Mirabel staring down at me. "Hey, Mir. What's up?"

"Abuela said something to Camilo earlier that upset him. I'm not sure what it was but he's been in his room for hours now." She worriedly says.

I feel my heart pang. Even though I wasn't a part of the Madrigal family myself, I was close enough to the family to know Abuela Alma was typically the root of the family issues. She always expected way too much from her familia, but never seemed to realize that she was tearing everyone apart in her attempts at perfection. I already knew that Camilo, while bubbly on the exterior, was extremely self-conscious about using his gift of shape-shifting to the best of his ability. He tried so hard to play different people and roles that he lost sight of who he was. I only knew this because I was one of the few people he opened up to about his insecurities.

"I just figured that since you two are so close he may let you come in." Mirabel sighs.

I set down my book. "He won't even see you?"

Mirabel only shakes her head. "I'm really worried about him."

I stand up and place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'll see if I can calm him down."

"Thanks, (nn)."

I head to Casa Madrigal and wave hello to Casita. Its front doors open up for me and I begin walking up the steps to the second floor. I frown when I see Dolores standing outside of Camilo's door frantically knocking on its wooden surface. "Cami, please let me in." She pleads.

I approach the worried girl and try to give her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Dolores. I'll talk to him."

She throws her arms around me. "Thank you, (Yn)." She happily exclaims. "I know Camilo will listen to you."

I nod in response, hoping that Dolores' words were true. Camilo shouldn't have to deal with this alone. I gently knock on the door. "Camilo? It's (Yn). Can I come in, please? I want to try and help."

I hear footsteps slowly approaching the door. I hold my breath, hoping the door with open. The shimmering 'C' engraved doorknob carefully opens, and I see Camilo's tear-stained face looking at me through the small crack in the door he's made. "I appreciate the effort, but you can't help me, (Yn)." He rubs his puffy-most likely from crying-eyes. "Nobody can."

"Maybe not, but we can listen," Dolores says with a comforting smile.

A glimmer of hope flashes through Camilo's eyes, and he lets us into his room. I gasp as I walk in. I had never been in Camilo's room before so I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't what I saw. The walls were covered by all different shapes and sizes of mirrors. They ominously revealed our reflections back to us, and it felt as though a crowd of judging faces was watching my every move.

My gaze suddenly lands on a mirror that was different from the others. While most of the mirrors have smooth, reflective surfaces, this one only returned a shattered reflection back to me. "Camilo? What...what happened here?" I ask, not even sure if I was prepared for the answer.

Camilo walks over to the mirror and gently runs his hand across its cracked surface.

(Camilo) "I don't know who I am anymore
Ever since the light left my door
I've been feeling like a soldier at war
And I fight with the cape and the mask you adore."

Camilo shudders as he looks away from the cracked mirror and is faced with the wall of mirrors. The dozens of reflections weren't Camilo's own; they were the reflections of the townspeople.

(Mirror Reflection) "Oh, go now child, you'll figure it out..."

Camilo slowly sits down in defeat.

(Camilo) "But how'm I gonna be me, If you want someone else?"

Dolores walks over to the boy and embraces him.

(Dolores) "Oh, hush now brother, that's not what we think~"

I join into the hug and I feel Camilo nuzzle his face into the crook of my neck. I gently run my fingers through his curly locks of hair.

(Yn) "You just need a bit of time to get back on your feet."

I lean beside Camilo and place my hand in his shoulder. He looks at me with sad eyes.

(Camilo) "Speaking of, my feet..."

(Dolores) "What do you mean?"

(Camilo) "I'm too short, too weak."

(Dolores & (Yn)) "That's not true~"

(Camilo) "Ugh, well, that's just how it feels."

(Yn) "There's a lot that's not perfect about you and I
But there's no need to play a stranger in your skin despite your..."

Dolores cuts me off when she thinks of something to say.

(Dolores) "Dumb jokes."

Camilo looks slightly amused.

(Camilo) "'Dumb jokes?'"

(Dolores) "Your appetite."

I giggle and notice Camilo crack a smile. I'm glad Dolores is able to cheer him up...even if it's just a bit.

(Camilo) "All right,
I get it from our uncle, (You get it from our uncle, )
He's a mischievous type (he's a mischievous type)"

(Dolores) "I'm just saying
This 'cause there's more to you than you think."

(Camilo) "Sometimes I look in the mirror and I don't know who I see..."

I feel sad for him. Didn't he know how much he meant to people? How much he means to me? I take both of Camilo's hands and hold them in my own. I give him a small encouraging smile.

(Yn) "Well, I see a nice boy who makes people smile,"

Dolores puts her hands on our shoulders and looks at Camilo.

(Dolores) "A nice boy who takes care of our mama~"

(Yn) "A nice boy who can't accept compliments~"

(Camilo) "I'm just saying it's different..."

(Mirror reflection) "Is it?"

Camilo hugs his knees close to his chest and stares at the ground below him.

(Dolores) "Well, I see a nice boy."

(Camilo) "A nice boy."

(Yn) "Who makes people smile"

(Camilo) "Who can't do anything~"

Camilo's dejected look makes my heart ache.

(Dolores) "A nice boy who takes
care of our mama,"

(Mirror Reflection) "Enough."

(Camilo) "Useful for the family,"

(Yn) "A nice boy~"

Camilo glances over at me and smiles. I smile back and wipe one final tear from his cheek. He looks over to his sister.

(Camilo) "I wish I had a gift like yours."

(Dolores) "No, you don't."

Dolores lightly nudges him with her elbow. Camilo chuckles every-so-slightly.

(Camilo) "No, I don't."

𝓜𝓲 𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓻  (Camilo x Reader Oneshots!)Where stories live. Discover now