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Look, I knew nothing else except being a half blood.

Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.

It was the only thing I have ever known.

From the day I was born, I had been sent to the Wolf House. Lupa took me under her wing, training me, protecting me and nurturing me, but I couldn't show weakness around her or else I would be torn to shreds - there cannot be weakness in the Wolf pack. Lupa had ordered any godling that ended in their camp to care for me. To care for me and Jason when he arrived. It was a part of our training on both ends. The prey became the predator and only the true alpha pair would come out on top.

Lupa taught us things such as that we cannot fight force with force. She also told us that death in battle is honorable.

I have witnessed many demigods venture off towards camp just as I have witnessed many become the wolves' dinner.

I remembered when it was my turn to journey to the camp. Jason and I were sent off on the same day in different areas. We made it the same day. My scent pulled in more enemies than I cared for. Empousai and hell hounds had been more of the irritable creatures. I made venti my personal weapons as they chased me down.

Between me and Jason, I am sure that Oakland Hills had not seen peaceful weather as we ventured to camp.

Lupa awaited us there. She showed us around the camp as it were to be our new home. I didn't know about Jason, but I felt as if shackles were being placed on me. I could tell from the eyes that followed us that the expectations that were placed on us would be the only thing that could drown me.

Jason was offered a place in the First Cohort, but he denied it, and decided to join the Fifth Cohort to restore honor to it after what happened to Michael Varus. It was the same for me as the Second Cohort tripped over their feet to have me, but unlike Jason, I wasn't interested in restoring anyone's honor than my father's. I had seen that despicable place they claimed to be a shrine.

(Did they not realize the power my father held? King Jupiter was not the only one to control storms. My father was the Earthshaker. His power was challenged by no one but his brothers and her Lady Venus. Romans may fear the sea now, but until the proper respect is given to my father... I will make the very thought of the sea petrifying.)

I joined the Fourth Cohort and then I made it my own. I was twelve when I became the Centurion alongside Leila. And that's when my life turned to hell.

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