Ch 4: Hurricane

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A Few Hours Later...

Riolu's p.o.v
Once Raboot and I finished training, I collapsed onto the soft grass field, resting my soul.

Raboot: *giggles* "Wow, you look cozy. Mind if I join you, Riolu?"

Riolu: "Sure."

Raboot's p.o.v
I lay down right beside Riolu and looked at the sky with him.

Raboot: "It's quite cloudy today, isn't it, Riolu?"

Riolu: "Yeah, I hope another thunderstorm doesn't happen.

Raboot: "Another one?"

Riolu: "Yeah, you see, Raboot, when I found you like an egg, a thunderstorm formed underneath us, and the wind began to speed up.

Raboot: "Really? So what happened next."

Riolu: "Well, when I wasn't paying attention, you began to roll down the hill. Thankfully I spotted you in time, so I quickly ran for you, I saw that you were heading towards a rushing river, so I forced myself to run quicker. I got close enough to grab you before you fell into the river. As I stopped myself from running, I almost fell into the river. And the thought of what could of happen made me scared of those rivers ever since.

Raboot: *giggles* "Sorry, it's just I knew there was a reason you were scared of rivers, but I would have never known that it was because of me.

Riolu: "Yeah, but you also helped me overcome my fear, but I wish you didn't have fallen into the river to do that. You could have died.

Raboot: "True, but you did save my life after all and... kissed me.

Raboot's p.o.v
I turn my head to look at Riolu. He sat up and covered his face, and he started to turn red, red like when I ate that Tamato berry. I began to laugh.

Raboot: *giggles*

Riolu: "I-I had no other choice! I had to kiss you to revive you!"

Raboot: "But you did enjoy the kissing part, didn't you, Riolu?" *giggles*

Riolu: "I- umm I...I..."

Raboot: *chuckles* "I'm just messing with you, Riolu!"

Raboot's p.o.v
I punched Riolu's arm, and I gave him a passionate smile. He took his paws off his face and smiled back at me. We both began to laugh.

Riolu & Raboot: *chuckles*

Riolu's p.o.v
Raboot and I looked back at the sky, and a raindrop fell onto my nose. It was starting to rain. Then the wind began to blow faster than the winds I felt in the thunderstorm.

Riolu: "We should get going before we get all soaked!"

Raboot: "Right!"

Raboot's p.o.v
When Riolu and I got up, I felt the presence of something horrific I turned around a saw that a tornado was heading straight for us.

Raboot: "We need to get out of here quick! There is a tornado coming our way!"

Riolu: "Come on, let's go!"

Raboot's p.o.v
As Riolu and I sprinted for our lives, I turned my head to look behind, and the tornado was right behind us. I tried to keep running, but I got caught by the tornado.

Raboot: "Ahh! Riolu!"

Riolu: "I gotcha!"

Riolu's p.o.v
I grabbed Raboot's hand and tried to keep her from flying away, but the tornado began to pick me up as well. I held onto a tree branch, hoping it could save us from being taken away by the tornado, but I was starting to lose my grip.

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