Ch 5: The Family Reunion

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Riolu p.o.v
We had been searching for what felt like an hour, and all we found was the river where Raboot fell in when she was a Scorbunny; looking at the river made me get even more desperate to find Raboot."

Riolu: "UGH!!! Where is this Slurpuff guy!?"

Happiny: "Riolu, please calm down!"

Riolu: "How can I be calm if my friend could be in trouble!? She could be seriously injured, and it's all because of me!" *sobbing*

???: "Ugh. Can you just shut up?"

Riolu: "Huh? Who said that!?"

Riolu's p.o.v
I looked around my surroundings to see who had said that, but all I saw was rain; then I heard that voice again.

???: "Me"

Riolu's p.o.v
But I still don't see anyone.

Riolu: "Quit hiding and show yourself!"

Riolu p.o.v
I was struck by was water projectile on my face, and then this blue lizard holding a ball of water appeared.

Drizzile: "What's wrong? Don't tell me you can't handle a little bit of water

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Drizzile: "What's wrong? Don't tell me you can't handle a little bit of water."

Riolu: *low growls* "I can handle a whole river!"

Drizzile: "Is that so? How about I throw you in the river to see so myself?"

Riolu: "Try me."

Riolu p.o.v
I stared at him with a severe facial expression. He gave me an angry look and swung his tail to try and push me into the river. I quickly dodged it.

Riolu: "Look, I don't have time to be fighting with you! I need to find my friend!

Drizzlie: "Pfft, Friend? Why is your friend more important than having a little battle?"

Riolu's p.o.v
Tears began to run down my face. This Lizard's response hurt me.

Riolu: *sobbing* "Why? She is the most awesome Pokemon I've ever met. She is so kind, so caring, and has a beautiful personality. I would do anything to keep her safe from anything, and now she's lost. I need to find her to ensure that she's still alive!"

Riolu's p.o.v
I looked at the lizard, waiting for his response, but he also began to cry.

Drizzile: *sobbing* "Stop it! You're getting me all emotional!"

Riolu: "You're the one who made me make such a speech." *sniff*

Drizzlie: "I'm sorry, I get all rude when my friend isn't around. Her presents usually make me feel less depressed than I already am." *sniff*

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