Ch 7: Family Problems

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3 hours Later...

Drizzile: "Riolu! Where are you!?"

Kirlia: "Raboot! Can you hear me!?
Ugh, we've been searching forever, and still no sign of them."

Druddigon: "They're probably resting around here somewhere."

Kirlia: "Yeah, They're probably dead because of you!"

Druddigon: "It's not my fault! That little blue pipsqueak threw the first punch!"

Drizzle: "But you were taunting him, Father."

Druddigon: "Hmph! I have a bad temper, and you know it!"

Kirlia: "But, that's still not a good reason to attack him!"

Druddigon: "Just because I was taunting him did mean he had to attack me!"

Kirlia: "You're so much bigger and thicker than him. He couldn't have hurt you that bad!"


Drizzile: "SHHH!!! Do you hear that!?"


Kirlia: "That's just the waterfall, Drizzile."

Drizzile: "Yeah, but I first met Riolu by a river. He was so devastated about his separation from his friend. What if he's near the river like last time.

Kirlia: "Well, We have already checked everywhere. It's worth a shot."

Druddigon: "Come on, it's getting late. We should get going."

Druddigon's p.o.v
I shoved the two Pokemon with my two claws and proceeded to follow the splashing of the Waterfall.

Kirlia: "Hey! Be Gentle, would you!

Druddigon's p.o.v
As we reached halfway to the Waterfall, I halted for a moment, causing the two Pokemon to fall onto their face on the ground. From a distance, I see the little pipsqueak sleeping in the river with his Bunny companion.

Kirlia: "Ow... I said gently, you numb skull!"

Drizzile: "Ouch... My nose."

Kirlia: "Now look what you have done, you idiot! What were you thinking?"

Druddigon: "..."

Kirlia: "Hello! Imbecile!"

Druddigon: "..."

Kirlia: "Drizzy! There's something wrong with your father. He won't stop daydreaming."

Drizzile: "Here, let me use my Water Gun on him."

Drizzile's p.o.v
Using my Water Gun on my father's face, he snapped out of his daydream; he shook the water off his head.

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