Ch 8: See You Later Raboot

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The Next Morning...

Riolu's p.o.v
As I peacefully slept, I felt this sharp pain coming from my chest. It was so painful I woke up gasping. It was so dark in here that I could hardly see anything. As I turned to my right side, I saw Raboot. She was sleeping right beside me with a smile on her face. Her smile made me forget the pain I had felt seconds ago. As I sat up, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I noticed I was in a cave that wasn't too familiar to me. Then, I heard an echo of someone's voice. I laid back on the bed and pretended to sleep, and I listened to what the voice was saying. It was calling out to Raboot.

Eldegoss: "Yoohoo! Raboot Dear! Are you awake? It's time for you to go!"

Riolu's p.o.v
I wasn't sure what that voice was talking about, but it must be up to no good. What does that voice want from Raboot? I won't let it hurt her. As the voice sounded closer, I got off the bed and stood in front of it to protect Raboot, but the pain in my chest made it difficult to stand. Despite my struggling to stand, I was ready to confront the voice. Once the thing calling out to Raboot was in front of me, I called out to it with an angry tone.

Riolu: "What do you want!?"

Eldegoss: "Oh, dear! You scared me!"

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Eldegoss: "Oh, dear! You scared me!"

Riolu: "You the one who's frightening us!"

Eldegoss: "Forgive me, my dear Riolu. I am just here to wake your friend Raboot."

Riolu: "That's not happening!"

Eldegoss: *chuckles* "Oh, whys that?"

Riolu: "Uh, I don't know."

Eldegoss: "I see. You are confused, aren't you? Well, I'm Eldegoss, a friend of Raboot's. You must be wondering why you are here, aren't you?"

Riolu: "Yeah, I am."

Eldegoss: "Your friend Raboot brought you here so we could heal your bruise."

Riolu: "Raboot brought me here?"

Eldegoss: "Mm-hm."

Riolu: "But why does my- AH!

Riolu's p.o.v
Before I could finish my sentence, the shape pain came back. The pain made me lose balance, and I went sideways onto the ground.

Eldegoss: "Oh, Dear! are you alright!?"

Riolu: "Ugh! No! M-my chest, it really hurts!"

Eldegoss: "Hold on, dear, I can help."

Riolu's p.o.v
As I lay on the ground in pain curled up, Eldegoss released this green light that filled the whole room. The pain in my chest disappeared, and I suddenly had the strength to lift myself off the ground, but I still had trouble walking.

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