Chapter 3

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Maka's Pov

"ACHOO!" Soul sneezed, I was about to sneeze too, but I held it back.

"Are you okay Soul? Now don't you dare get sick, Last time that happened we missed a really good mission!" I exclaimed Kami, Soul was dumb to go outside at night right AFTER he took a bath, thus for making him sick.

"Chill Maka I've learned my lesson." Soul shivered a bit I think it's cause I had Blair take care of him when I went to school. After that he ate all the food I made for dinner. I guess that Blair cooked burnt fish for him to eat.

"Ah yes I remember when Soul got sick but we'll discuss this later" Stein started to turn the screw in his head. "Its about Eva from what I can tell she diffrent and I'll have to run some tests on her so far her soul is kind of large but her body is yet a small vessel. From the looks of it I say before she came to Death City she was kept somewhere with little lighting and experimented on because of the little dots on her body". Stine told us while taking out a cigarette and started to smoke.

" So basically she was a lab rat for a while before she escaped here? That so not cool." Soul said.

"Yes Soul, some how she escaped. I can't say for how long she was in there but her mid frame and by the looks of her body she was in there for a while lets say for at least... 8 ½ years or so." Stine looked up while taking another puff of his cigaret.

"8 ½ years! But wouldn't that mean shes just like me only 16 or 17! just look at her..." I said looking at the ground thinking how her life was practically taken away from her.

"Hey at least shes alive and some what healthy, maybe that why she doesn't remember her past because it was terrible and she unknowingly forgot about it when she came to Death City." I looked at Soul after he said that.

"For once Soul you might be right, that theory might just be right." I said

"Huh, Soul for once you could be right because of the trauma she suffered she forgot about her past. I would have thought that she banged her head or even have amnesia caused by dehydration/malnutrition for being in the desert for so long." Stein replied and started to fiddle with is screw.

"HEY I can be smart at times too!!" Soul replied.

"Well come by my house at noon tomorrow with Eva" and with that Stein turned around and waved good bye.I turned around and looked at Soul, "Well Soul we better get back inside too we have a guest staying inside and we don't want her to be lonely".

With that I walked back into the apartment. As I enter the apartment Soul was suddenly pushed to the floor by something, no more like someone, and that someone was Blair. Blair was on top of Soul rubbing her head on his cheek.

"SOUL! Why didn't you tell me that we have a guest staying with us!!" Blair exclaimed while getting off of Soul.

"Blair we just found her today out in the desert of Death City." Soul said trying to push Blair off on him, Eventually she got off of him. "Great my hair is messed up, anyways lets call this a night. It seems that our friend is already getting her beauty sleep. So should we."

"What?" I looked to see that Eva was already asleep on the couch with a black blanket and cuddling a stuffed penguin?

"Yup I gave her a blanket and a stuffed animal so she would be comfortable. Poor girl shes only 16 yet shes been through so much..." Blair looked to the ground.

"Wait shes 16? how do you know Blair?" I asked Blair how could she know how old Eva was when she doesn't even know herself?

"Silly Maka, you still can't read how old a soul is?" I blushed as she said this I don't like how someone knows things that a should know.

"N- No I don't... But thanks for telling me."

"Wahhh Make your so cute when you blush!" Blair suddenly hugged me depriving me of all my oxygen.

"Blair.... can't -ugh- breath" I felt her let go of me

"Sorry Maka, your just cute when you blush!" I started to sweat

"S-So I heard, Well night!" I told Soul and Blair and ran to my room.

"I hope Eva is still asleep" I whispered out loud and got dressed for bed wearing my pink tank-top and blue shorts I got into my bed and fell asleep.


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