Chapter 6

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Mehhhhh! So many things to do!! School is just a pain in the butt! I have an essay due on Monday and packets for math too! Enough of me ranting! on with the story!!!


"Do I have to wear this."

"Yes! come on it's not that bad Eva. The sooner you get dressed the sooner we can see professor Stine." Blair called from the other side of the closed door.

"Fine you win!" I looked at the bed, on the bed is a blue plaid flannel shirt, blue skinny jeans, and long grey boots. How did I get myself in this situation again? Oh that 's right is cause of Maka! I'll get her back some day... I started to put on the clothes, and thinking of ways of getting my revenge on Maka.

"Kay I'm done. Now can we go?" I opened the door and I see Blair.

"Yay! I knew you'd look good in those clothes! Now time for some make up!"


I have to admit I did look good but... The pain was so not worth it.

"Come on Eva, We don't want to keep Stine waiting! I looked at Maka who had a simple baby blue tee shirt and some jeans.

"Easy for you to say! I was left with Blair and made me her doll!!" If I would have known what Blair was going to do to me I would have run away. Now I know why Maka said 'good luck'...

"Here we are" I looked at the building...

"Er, uhhhh soooo this is where the strange and mysterious Dr.Stine lives..." talk about creepy! This place is like uber freaky but really awesome! But the outside could use a woman's touch..

"Yeah Dr. Stine doesn't receive much visitors" Like who would visit a creepy looking place, besides me?

"Come on Maka, and Eva we don't have all day" Soul was already at the front door getting ready to knock.

"Hai, hai were coming" I lightly jogged to where Soul was. I hope the inside looks better than the outside...

"Come on in" I heard from the inside of the house. Soul opened the door and we walked in.

"Why hello! Welcome Soul, Maka and, your Eva right?" A woman with nice light brown hair and light brown eyes with an eyepatch greeted us. She looked at me.

"Oh, yes my name is Eva Lunar. Its very nice to meet you" I bowed a bit

"My, Eva the pleasure is all mine! My name is Marie Mjolnir" She looked at me and her eye squinted a bit.

"Have we perhaps meet before... I felt like I've seen you somewhere..." I was about to answer when-

"She has amnesia Marie, So I don't think she'll be able to recognize you" I turned around to see Dr. Stine.

"Why hello, Soul, Maka, and Eva. I can see that you meet Marie she's my partner."

"Come on, we'll go to my lab, Soul and Maka stay here with Marie"

"Would you like to have some tea later Eva?" I nodded at Marie

"I would love to have some tea later." and turned to follow Stine in the other room.

(Revised on June-12-2015)

When you see a mistake please tell me so I can fix it! And as always I hope all of you enjoyed reading my story!

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