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The Lion of God was known for their eyes black as night, their hair wild and never cut, never pinned up to free the jaw line, so nobody could see how beautiful they truly were. Only a monster can kill a monster... a lady wasn't meant to have blood on her hands.

And yet, they were so proud of me, those who did see all of my face, and looked into my hardened eyes.

Proudness was something I vaguely understood as being good at my job. I no doubt would have been made a captain within the next few years, if not sooner, because of my skill and dedication. Sometimes, even years later, I wondered in the late hours if anyone actually missed anything other than my power in battle.

If you were still here, my Vanitas, it would be so much easier to keep forgetting them.

"Mademoiselle Ariel!"

That's weird. Only few people would ever call me by that name, and I'm sure the ship just landed in Paris...

"Ariel! Open up, that damn Quack got himself in shit!"

I stood, readjusting the scarf around my shoulders, I opened the window that revealed my small flower balcony. Dante had graciously taken the time to make sure he didn't knock over any of my pots while he perched.

I opened the doors wider and he jumped down into the house, "Thank you. I know it's late, but I thought I should inform you."

I smiled, "Of course, I am the one that pays you, after all."

He quickly cleared his throat as I moved towards the kitchen, "So," I began, "Would you like some tea as you tell me what happened this time? Didn't you just get here?"

"We hadn't even landed." He sighed heavily, "And yes, I would love some tea."

"I have Earl Grey and a spiced Chai from India. Which would you prefer?"

"Earl Grey." He replied, slumping in one of the two wooden chairs sitting around my circle kitchen table, "Anyways, Vanitas identified a curse bearer on board the ship, and while everyone went in spirals screaming for their lives, he jumped down and got into it with another vampire who was trying to calm the woman down. Vanitas managed to save her, but the security got to him. The idiot got hit in the head trying to threaten them to get away from him and then fell out of a hole from the damage of the fight. It actually scared me for a second! But then, the other vampire jumped down after him!"

I giggled as he laid his head back, slouching. I set the tea down and sat across from him, "And so?"

"And so-" He quickly continued, sitting up straight, "I had to follow! But we landed in different places, so it took a minute to find them. The vampire he ended up with led him right back to the doc of the ship so he could retrieve his things, and Vanitas didn't realize until it was too late because he was begging the guy to be his partner the whole time. Then they got identified and arrested."

"I see. Even the vampire?"

Dante sipped his tea, "Yup. But only because Vanitas told the authorities that they were 'partners in crime'."

I sputtered, quickly setting the tea cup down to laugh.

Dante smiled lightly as he watched me, I saw it when I glanced back up at him, "It's a blue moon tonight." He said gently.

My face fell.

"You okay? Did you sleep at all?"

"Goodness me, look at you being a worry wort."


I stood from my seat, walking over to the window, just so I could look upon that radiant, gentle light once again. The red moon was always glaring, but the blue moon just gazed peacefully.

"I... I'm alright."

"I don't mean to step out of line, Mademoiselle Ariel, but do you truly believe that this person that died that you care so much about, is present somehow, somewhere, whenever there is a blood moon?"

"Of course I do." I replied simply, "I must." I whispered.

"I'm going to meet up with my brethren. Thank you for the tea." The seat rubbed against the tile of the kitchen floor as Dante stood, brushing out his blazer, "Will you be alright going to see Vanitas on your own?"

"Yes." I turned to watch him go, offering him a kind smile, "Thank you for all you've done to help Vanitas and I. Your pay is on the armure as usual."

"Thanks again." He called at the door, "See you soon, Mademoiselle!"

When the door finally shut behind him, I let my shoulders slump.

I stay in Paris for the publication of my newest novel, and all the signings and readings I've been scheduled for by my editor. I leave Vanitas' side for merely three weeks! And this is what happens the second he gets back in Paris borders?! Has he no shame left?!


I met the two idiots on my way to the police station that morning. Just as I was going to cross the street and beg the officers to let them free for their foolishness, and offer to pay for their tickets now, they stepped out on their own.

But that just means that word already got to the higher ups, and he was probably being called to speak to Sir Orlok.

Ugh, I hate that tiring old man. He's always yelling even when you're trying to have a decent conversation with him!

"Vanitas!" I called out, waving my hand to stop him so he'd wait for me to cross the busy morning street. When I finally jumped over the curb to meet him face to face, my anger washed away.

"Are you alright? You didn't get hurt falling out of that ship, did you?"

"What?! Who told you?!" He barked, and I understood in that moment why Dante had started calling him 'Quack', "It was that bald idiot, wasn't it?"

"Bald? Who do I know whose bald?"

"Dante! I'm talking about Dante!"

"Oh, yes, it was him." I smirked at the dumb nickname Vanitas gave the ginger back, before turning to face the taller Vampire. When I took him in completely, I got lost for a moment in his stark white hair. Just like the snow. Just like his.

"Good day, Mademoiselle." The man suddenly said, quickly removing his hat to bow his head to me, "Are you a good friend of Vanitas'?"

"I am." I smiled, "Are you now acquainted with him?"

"For now, yes. My name is Noe Archivist. I hope we can get along as well."

I smiled brightly, "Pleasure to meet you, Sir Noe. My name is Lina Anne Dupont."

His eyes suddenly sparkled, shocking me, and Vanitas groaned, "The Lina Anne Dupont?! The author known best for her first romance novel, her fantasy short stories, and her latest release of the epic tragedy?!"

"Oh my. Are you a fan?"

"Of course I am!"

"Will you put a sock in it?!" Vanitas shouted over us, "We have to go see Sir Orlok, remember? Best not to keep that gremlin waiting. Well? You coming, Ariel?"

I pursed my lips. No matter how much I told him not to call me that in public, he slipped up all the time, almost as if he did it on purpose. His ability to call me by that name displayed how close we were, and how important he was to me.

"I might as well."

"Ariel?" Noe muttered, confused.

"Nevermind that, if you please." I replied sweetly, "Let's go! The sooner we finish with Sir Orlok, the sooner you can see the rest of Paris!"

And there it was, his weakness, "You're right!"

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