Chapter 7: A Dangerous Game

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"Humans all across Drallilas arrive in Ayiolas every day in search of sanctuary from the horrors," Rosanhi talks with her head high and her back straight as she walks through the halls. Llwell tries to keep up as best he can, both with her empowering stride and all of the new information she's been dropping on him for the past hour.

"More and more refugees have been coming from the east," she says. "The region of Oviran has always been a sweet spot for horrors due to the heavy layer of negativity from the segregation and mistrust among the nobles, especially due to Tessiavar's influence in that region. It is also because of the fact that it was in the capital of Oviran, Clalleovion, where Emperor Rees Raleigh II was recently assassinated, which marked the start of the Third Year of the Hollow," she goes on and stops to turn around to face him.

Llwell nods slowly, glancing out one of the paned windows at just the right moment to see at the gates of Ayiolas is another group of refugees arriving at the stronghold.

"Has the Emperor's killer been caught yet?" he looks at her.

Rosanhi sighs. "That's one of our biggest concerns as of this moment," she says and resumes walking down the hall with him following. "The assailant has yet to be identified. My spies across the eastern region have turned up nothing so far. Nothing but rumors that is, but we need proof."

"What sort of rumors?"

Rosanhi glances back at him over her shoulder. "I'm sure it's no secret to you that the kingdom of Tessiavar has gained a reputation for using dark means in pursuit of power. Hence the creation of spirit binding back in the First Year of the Hollow, which was started by a Tessian magister by the name of Lord Artegal Laserian, who believed that by binding himself to a Vanity horror, he would ascend to godhood."

Llwell cocks a brow. "Did it work?"

The woman shrugs with a small smirk. "No one knows. There wasn't enough of him left to tell."

"So, what you're essentially getting at is that an unknown aggressor murdered Emperor Raleigh and everyone points the finger at Tessiavar," Llwell puts two and two together just as they reach the wide wooden door to the war room. Rosanhi turns around and nods and she backs into the door to push it open behind her.


They enter the room and immediately see two new faces, alongside Paladin Sillavanna. One is a man with dark brown hair and a purple and dark blue suit on, and the other is a somewhat older woman who has greying black hair and, much to Llwell's surprise, pointed ears much like his own. On her forehead is the symbol he recognizes as the mark of Clan Ocirah.

Rosanhi shuts the door behind them and steps up to the table. "You've already met Paladin Sillavanna Crazorwyn, our commander," she says and Sillavanna shows a brief glare to Llwell before slightly nodding her head.

"Hollow," she says bitterly.

Rosanhi motions to the man with the shiny clothes. "Allow me to introduce Vasati Morpetor, our ambassador and chief diplomat. He holds a seat on the Oviran court for the Restoration and gives us the allies we need to make waves where we need them."

Vasati bows his head slightly with a smile. "Charmed," he says, quizzically looking Llwell up and down as if sizing him up.

Rosanhi then motions to the elven woman. "And of course, Enchanter Lixiss Loradiyn, arcanist, healer and herbal specialist of the Ocirah Clan," she smiles at the woman before returning her gaze to Llwell. "She kept you stable while you were sleeping, after you used the Siphon in Aeliphor."

Lixiss bows in a small curtsy. "Sarthali dirash, Tathalan."

Llwell smiles. "Danir vaalyn," he bows in return.

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