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As Namjoon was reading the menu, the waiter came and he ordered. He was talking to them in a polite tone. He wasn't one to be rude at all. He gave a simple smile towards the other, who stood there with a slight pink face.

When the waiter left, a group came over with the one that had talked to Namjoon, earlier. He looked up and was kinda shock at how large the group was but had indeed let them sit down. He sat at the edge as the large group, sat down.

He continued to looked down at the menu but he did feel eyes on him and he looked up and noticed one of the people, in the group, was staring at him. He had locked eyes with them. He was confused.

"Thank you for letting us join your table." The person, that asked him earlier, said to Namjoon.

Namjoon gave a smile and a nod. "It's not a problem at all." He said to him before he went back to reading the menu.

Eventually, the waiter came back. "May I take your orders." He said while holding a notebook. He looks at them.

Everyone started to speak out what they wanted before Namjoon, who wanted something light but simple. He handed the waiter the menu while sitting quiet.

He was polite and quiet. He was patient when it comes to going out but don't let that fool you, if he was with the rest of his band mates, then it would have been a chaotic experience.


Josuke looks at Namjoon. He was surprised that he gotten to speak with him. 'He isn't anything like DIO.' He thought to himself. He watches quiet before looking at the others. He feels like he knows what they are thinking.

Namjoon was definitely more of Jonathon's son than DIO's.

They were glad. It took awhile for them to make that conclusion because they wanted to be completely right to assume on certain things.

The only one that didn't doubted was Jonathon. He was glad that Namjoon didn't get any traits of DIO but somtimes he gets worried that it's going to get worse before it gets better.

All he needs to do, is just watch over Namjoon. No matter what.


The waiter comes back with their drinks. Namjoon was handed a glass of water. He drinks it slowly as he waited quietly. He mostly doesn't know the group but he feels like they know him and not just him as an idol, more like him, himself.

He let's his eyes wander around the group. The group were large the only one the closest to his height was a young male with a very unique hair which Namjoon thought it suited him. But the one that stood out the most was the large man with blue hair and gentle eyes. He couldn't help but feel like he should know him.

"Um, may we ask for your name?"


Sorry for not Updating this book. I was having a major writers block for this book but now I have some inspiration at the moment.

I hope you guys would forgive me for not updating this book in two years. I had mostly forgotten this book and hadn't watched JJBA in awhile but I will be getting back into the fandom.

Anyways, hope you like this chapter. Bye. ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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