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Nothing happened. Everything seems to stopped as something came by him and knocking the person away from him. Namjoon looks up and saw a figure standing in front of him.

The figure is a humanoid of a slender build and slightly taller than Namjoon. Over the top seems to have Wolf like ears but Namjoon could tell it was probably a mask, jagged diagonal lines were on the figure's back. Silver cuffs were on their wrists that were gleaming in the small light. A crested moon was on each shoulder.

The figure turns towards Namjoon and He was taken aback. He was right for the figure to be wearing a wolf mask. It was stricking beautiful, with the mask being all black with silver outlining it, there seems to be a moon on the forehead part of the mask. The eyes were a deep silver color that stares right at him. Jagged diagonal lines were across it's body, the same way as it's back.

Namjoon gotten a good look on the skin and it's pure black. Now that he gotten a better look, the jagged diagonal lines were purple. Soon, he looses conscious. He fell to the side and slightly banged his head against the pavement.

The figure panicked and went over to Namjoon. It pick him up and disappeared with him in it's arms.


"Shit." Josuke said as he witnessed someone punched Namjoon in the stomach as he placed out the binoculars, he heard a crash. He picks the binoculars back up and looks over.

He froze as he stares. "A stand." He mumbles to himself and he couldn't help but admire the beauty of the stand. He watches as the stand turns towards Namjoon and walks towards him. He bit his bottom lips as he watched the stand picks up the unconscious male into its arms and disappeared.

"Fuck, Jotaro is so going to kill me." Josuke said to himself and he gets up. He sighs as he dusts off the dirt off his clothes. He walks away as he went to go picked up Namjoon's bag, that was left behind.


The Stand placed Namjoon on the bed, in the hotel, as it ran it's hand through it's master's hair. It picks up it's masks and a stoic expression on its well feminine define face. It then snaps it's fingers. The bag appeared on the bed.

The stand soon faded away into Namjoon.


Okay, thanks to josuke_higashikata__ for the help with Namjoon's stand. Also, I tried to be detailed on the looks but I don't think I got it right. I might rewrite it but I don't know.

The Title is the number 6 in Latin.

I hope you like this book, so far.

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