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The hotel was grand and beautiful. Namjoon stare up at the entrance when he had gotten out of the Taxi, which he gave a good tip to the driver. The hotel was huge, with white pillars around. He could see why the hotel was called The Royal Maxim Palace Kempinski Cairo. He ran his hand through his hair while picking up his bags as he went inside the hotel. If the outside was beautiful then the inside was gorgeous. The inside of the hotel, looked to be covered in gold and shining pearls. To him it should have been a grand ballroom.

Namjoon walks towards the main desk to check in. He gave the receptionist a dimple smile, which the receptionist blushes when she saw it. She gave him a look before saying something to him.

"hal 'astatie maerifatan asmk?" The woman asks him in arabic. She looks at him with a small smile.

"namjwn kim." Namjoon said to her. He was so glad that he has a knack for languages and could pick them up easily. He watches her type something in the computer, before giving him his hotel room key and some pamphlets.

"shukraan lakum." He said before grabbing the room key and the pamphlets. He picks up his bags before heading off to his room. He was being escorted by a bellboy. As he follows the bellboy, he looks around and couldn't help that feel overwhelmed by everything around him. He gets to the elevator and walks inside standing next to the bellboy.


Noriaki was walking down the road of Cairo, Egypt. He tries not to get attention towards himself but since he stands out. He stops in front of a shop and gave a smile as he looks up at it. He chuckles and walks inside the place.

He looks around the place as he waits for someone.

"Tsk Tsk, Kakyoin, good to see you." A male said behind him. Noriaki turns around and gave the man a smirk. He walks over to him.

The male is a black man (of Egyptian nationality) of above-average height and medium to heavy build. His attire consists of a long overcoat or robe with wrist-length sleeves (he later switches to a robe with elbow-length sleeves) and a scarf around his neck. He has two identical scars that run down his cheeks. He wears a headband or headscarf wrapped around his forehead and keeps his hair in a style resembling Bantu knots, as well as wearing a long ponytail. He wears earrings comprised of a single, long chain of medallions, resembling a necklace. The largest of these medallions is engraved with the Egyptian ankh symbol; a large tassel hangs from this medallion, resting atop his chest. The smaller medallions are engraved with various other symbols. He wears a varying number of thick metallic bracelets on both of his wrists.

"Avdol, it's good to see you, after the 'events'." He said to him while a smirk and gave out a chuckle.

The male, Avdol gave out a tsk. "So, he's here." Avdol asks him while giving Kakyoin a look.

Noriaki gave a nod. "Yes, but he doesn't even act like DIO, he acts more like Jonathan. Even Giorno gotten more traits from DIO then Jonathan." He said to him. "To be honest, he doesn't even look like DIO, he seems to be more likely looks like his mother and she raised him well."

"Hmm." Avdol hums and gave a nod. "It seems to me that he gotten more traits from Jonathan Joestar. Did his hair changed?" He asks him as he looks at him.

"Yes, but he actually had dyed it purple." Noriaki said to him. "And he seems to have been dying it from time to time."

Avdol crosses his arms before holding up his head with his hand, like he was thinking. "Well, let's just hope that none of our enemies, find out about him being here."

Noriaki nods while looking out the window.


Out side the shop. A figure was watching them talking. They narrow their eyes. "So, he is here. Well, Lord DIO, would be pleased that his eldest son as arrived." The figure said before turning around.

A woman had been behind the figure and was looking at them with wide eyes. The figure smirks before summoning their stand, shooting, her in the heart killing her instantly.

The figure walks away not even bothering to clean up the mess they left behind.


Yes, I did use google translate for the Arabic.

hal 'astatie maerifatan asmk?- Can I have your name?
namjwn kim- Namjoon Kim
shukraan lakum- Thank You

Yes, if you want me to add your OC, ask me. It's first come, first serve.

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