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The sound of someone knocking woke him up. Namjoon groans and rubs his forehead. He sits up but winces. 'W-What happened?' He thought to himself before he hears the knock louder. He sighs and gets out of the bed. He walks over to the door and slowly opens it.

"May I help you?" He asks as he looks at the person. The person just looks at him and gave him a smile. "You dropped this." The person said as they hand him a doll. Namjoon just stares at it confused because if he was thinking right, he didn't purchase the doll.

"Are you sure, it's mine?" He asks them. He looks up at them before finally opening the door wider.

The person in front of him was large to say the least. Yet, Namjoon wasn't scared of them but what he was scared of was the doll. It creeps him out no matter what, like it's alive but he knows it's not. He looks up at the person with a curious gaze and has his head tilted to the side.

The person slightly blushed at the cute expression on the male's face. They couldn't help it. They were a fan of BTS but since he's working at the moment, they can't let that distract them.

They just smiled at Namjoon, while holding out a puppet. Namjoon sighs and hesitate to grab the puppet. Once he did, the person soon left.

Namjoon looks at the puppet before going back into his room. He was sketchy of the puppet like it was watching him. He placed it on a table before heading to the bathroom.

Outside the bathroom

The puppet gets up once Namjoon leaves the room and into the bathroom. It smirks and looks around as it was very curious. the rampaged into Namjoon's stuff as if it was looking for something.

It found the gold bracelets. It inspects them closely as it was curious about them. As it was occupied, they didn't see that a stand was behind them.

Mono grabbed the puppet before giving it a look. The puppet eyes widen as it looked at it.

Mono leans down before grabbing the puppet and hugs it very tightly. The puppet let out a muffled scream which Mono had covered the mouth with its hand.

The puppet soon broke into pieces as Mono hugged it to tight. Mono looks down at the peices and was about to pick them up before, Namjoon comes out. Mono, left quietly and quickly.

He looks around the room and finally noticed the broken puppet. He sighs. He walks over and picks up the pieces while placing them in a bag.

"Why does this always happen, to me?" He questions to no one. He wanted to know why must he has this cursed power.

He shook his head. As he placed the broken peices into the trash. He hated the fact that he unintentionally breaks things.


Somewhere unknown

a lone figure walked along the dark hallway. Hair has golden as the sun flowed through the wind that had enter into the hallway through a window. He placed a hand on his shoulder as thinks to himself. He had received report about his eldest son. He was proud. He felt something inside him, as he found out what his eldest son accomplished through the years. Just like Giorno, his eldest son did many things and now has influence many people around the world.

He then smirks. He might use that power to achieve his heaven, he just need to convince his eldest son to join him but first need to capture him.


Back at the hotel

Namjoon had went down to get some food. He was a lousy cook and didn't want to risk of setting the room on fire. So, he went down to the dining area. He looked around the place before finding an empty table. He walks over and sat down, a waiter came and gave him a menu before leaving.

As he was looking at the menu, he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. He looked up and sees a tall male, with blue hair, and very beautiful eyes. He felt like he should know him.

"May, I help you?" Namjoon asks him as he looks at him. He wanted to be polite as he never one to be rude to someone.

"Yes, um, you see my group and I were wondering if, we could sit with you has the other tables are full." The male asks him as he looks at him.

Namjoon looks around him and noticed that the stranger was correct. All the tables were full. He looks back at him and gave him a closed eyes dimple smile.

"Sure." He said to him with a nod. He opens his eyes as he watches the male gave him a charming smile before getting his group.

Namjoon went back to the menu.


Oh, Namjoon, what have you done. You are probably going to regret on letting the group sit with you as they are probably very tall. *wink*

Anyways, sorry for not updating as I have not been on this account for awhile. I hope you like this update, and please tell me what you think so far about this story, please.

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