1 - The Final Race..

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All was well with how Dream was doing. He was a successful rookie in the league. He came up in the middle of the season, unknown in which race, but after his first race he knew he was well known.

Now, this is his last race in the SMP Cup. It's the most important race of  his life. This race determines if he gets the SMP Cup or not. He's one of the fastest racers in the world with his sponsor, Skittles. They immediately spotted him in his first race, dropped his current racer, and recruited Dream.

"Okay..speed. I am speed." He repeats to himself, his mind going to his previous races, seeing all the  cars flying past the paying watchers in the stadium.

"1 winner, 42 losers. I eat losers for breakfast. Breakfast. Wait, maybe I should've had breakfast.." His mind wanders from his motivation to breakfast. He remembers that he didn't eat breakfast this morning.

"No, no, no. Stay focused. Speed. Quicker than quick, faster than fast. I am Dream." Dream goes back to the accelerating cars from the last race,  seeing all of his opponents going behind him.

"Dream! You ready?" His truck driver, and consequently best friend, Philza, bangs against the car door. Dream has a tendency to get lost in thought  when prepping for a race.

"Oh yeah, Dream's ready." Dream gets out of his car, a Koenigsegg Agera in a wonderful dark forest green, paparazzi immediately surrounding him. The  crowd kept taking his picture while he took his helmet off, hair flowing out as he hasn't had a haircut in a while and green eyes with long  curled eyelashes looking around the stadium in awe of how many people were already yelling his name in unison. He loved this sort of attention. He wanted all of it. He loved all of the attention.

'Oh yeah, this is gonna be a good race.' Dream thought to himself, still looking around and walked towards the designated racer's area.

"Welcome to the Flame 400!" The crowd cheers, still chanting Dream WasTaken and a few other racers, like Sapnap Pandas and Punz Tw.

"I'm Ranboo Ender, here with my good friend Tubbo Bee." The race callers introduce themselves as the crowd, once again, roars in excitement and  slow burning suspense.

"We're midway through what may be the most historic day for racing!" Ranboo announces as Tubbo agrees.

The announcers fade from Dream's hearing as he walks around the unfamiliar place; he's never been to The Motor Speedway of the South in Nashville,  Tennessee. He looked around, seeing all different types of sponsor tents like Twitch, YouTube, Spotify, SBI, and his very own, Skittles.

He walked over to his sponsor tent, seeing the people who recruited him after dropping their previous racer, TommyInnit. He was then recruited by SBI.

"There's my shining star!" Awesamdude, or just Sam, motioned for Dream to go over to his direction to which he obliged. "Hey, Sam!" He smiled brightly for everyone to see just how blinding it was. It was his signature thing, dreams, clouds and bright smiles.

"Are you excited for the big race? Heard it's the last of this season." Dream's smile fades a bit at the last sentence. "Yeah, I'm so excited! But, I'm upset that the season's coming to an end, even though I've only attended half of what there normally is since I came out of nowhere."

"I feel that, I'm just glad you're excited! Get past that and get out there, boy!" Sam hypes me up, not failing to make me smile. "Alright! Geez, old man." He playfully punches Sam's arm as he exits the tent, walking over to his car as the race callers come back on the intercom.

"Racers! Get ready to start, get your cars over on that track!" Tubbo announces as Dream gets in his car, pushing away the paparazzi once more and drives towards the track. He immediately gets cut off by an orange Ferrari with the number 49, fire and swirly stickers covering his bumper, fenders, and spoiler.

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