Chapter 19

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William POV:

William was at his fathers house. All he could hear was his father yelling with his drunk friends downstairs. William hates his fathers friends. They would just yell, and scream. William thought his father was a terrible father. He didn't even want to call him his father. William missed his mother. All William could think of was his mother. He loved her dearly. William laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. The yelling of his 'father' hurt his ears, and made his eyes tear up. William ran his fingers through his hair.
"William!" William heard coming from somewhere.
\end of flashback/

"William!" Henry yelled slightly shaking me,
"What." I ask sitting up.
"You've been asleep for six hours it's time to get up you lazy ass." Henry says as he walks into the kitchen.
"I'll show you who's the lazy ass..." I mutter to my self as I get up. As I walk into the kitchen, I see Henry putting on his coat.
"We're are you going?" I ask rubbing my head.
"I'm going out for grocery's." Henry said grabbing his keys.
"Why? We still have a lot of food here?" I ask pointing at the fridge.
"Well I haven't gotten groceries since chapter 4." Henry said breaking the 4th wall.


"Oh.. ya." I say rubbing my neck,
"Do you wanna come too?" Henry asks grabbing out a list of stuff he needs. I show him a look saying: why-me? He understood the look I gave him.
"I have a bit of a long list." Henry mutters to himself,
"Sure." I say going to put my shoes on.
"Ok then, I'll go start up the car." Henry says walking out the garage door. I put my shoes on and grab my coat, and put a mask in my pocket. And walk to the garage door. As I sit in the car, I grab the mask out of my pocket and fidget with it.
"Why are you bringing a mask?" Henry asks starting up the car.
"Henry people will recognize me." I say putting the mask under my head.
"Makes sense." Henry says pulling out of the driveway. I felt the pocket of my coat, I feel the small box of cigarettes in my pocket.
"Want the radio on?" Henry asks leaning forward a bit.
"Sure," I reply laying back in my seat. After a few songs play, I recognize a song. It was our favorite song back when we were kids. Me and Henry both look at each other. We both burst out laugh,
"No way! This song was so popular when we were kids!" Henry says in between laughter.
"Holy shit it is!" I say sitting up. The song was almost four minutes long. Me and Henry enjoyed every moment of it. After the song was over, we both sighed.
"I feel so old-" Henry says laughing, I do too. I I'm enjoying hanging out with Henry so far. I could see how me and Henry were best friends. I miss our old friendship. Until I had to fuck it up. That runs though my head for a bit, until I feel the car stop.
"Come on will, where at the grocery store." I hear Henry say as he unbuckled his seatbelt. I quickly got out of the car and put my mask on. We both walked in the grocery store and Henry grabbed a cart. We walk around for a bit, we almost had everything.
"William could you go grab the flour in the isle next to us?" Henry asks looking at the list. I nod and walk to the next isle. I look for the flour, I hear some people whispering. I see the flour at the very end of the isle. As I walk to the end of the isle I stare at my shoes. I look at the flour and grab it, then quickly head back to Henry. I place the flour in the cart.
"Great, that's it!" Henry says crossing of the last thing off the list.
"Ok. Ok. Let's check out and go." I say wanting to get out of there. I don't want to listen to people potentially whispering shit about me. Henry could tell I wanted to leave, I could tell he wanted to say something but he probably just didn't think much of it.
When we're back in the car, a wave of anxiety washed over me.
"Hey will, you ok?" Henry asks as he starts up the car.
"I'm fine." I say staring out the window. He knew it was a lie. i could feel a lot of tension in the car. The car was silent the whole ride back to henrys house once we got back i just laid on the couch. I don't know why that annoyed me so much. If I'm being honest, I wanna go out for a drink.

822 words~

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