Chapter one ~ arrival

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I had finally arrived to Sweden after a train ride and a flight. Still very sad about leaving the people I loved behind. But I know this will be good for me.
I was not nervous at all to communicate with the other students I would be meeting, because almost all Swedish kids learn English in elementary school. So it won't be too hard to communicate. Sweden is absolutely beautiful, I am more than excited to be here.

I am at the doorstep of the place I will be living in for the next few years. From the outside it's gorgeous, I can't imagine how pretty it is on the inside.
As I walk in I can hear a shitload of different voices. Some speaking in English, some in Swedish. This is where it kind of hit me. There's so many people that are enrolled at this school, by a lot.. I mean 30,000+ people.
It is a great school, #1 in Sweden so I cannot be surprised.

I walk the hallways shyly, I wasn't expecting to socialize this soon. There are a lot of sitting places for students to study or hangout with friends, there's also a community kitchen and community laundry room. It's luxury, truly.
As I was walking past one of the sitting rooms, I glanced to see a lot of students sitting. A few of them pointed their focus to me, and this freaked me out. I looked away and started to walk away when I heard
"Yo! New kid."
They aren't talking to me, right? I can't be the only new kid, there's thousands of people that signed up this semester, surely it's someone else being addressed! .. right ?!
I froze, and looked all around me, nobody was next to me nor near me. Fuck that person was talking to me. I back pedal a bit so that they are all in my view again.
"Hi." I said under my breath. Can I just go view my dorm?! I just got here for fucks sake.
"Where are you from?" A boy with strawberry blonde hair asked me.
"Rory you sound like a creep." A girl with hair that had the most beautiful silk black curls and umber brown skin.
"I'm so sorry that was so rude of him. What he meant to say, was välkommen!" (welcome!) The girl stood up with her hand extended towards me. I shook her hand, sending her a smile.
"Tack." (Thanks)
"My names Esme." She said.
"Y/N." I replied.
"And, you're Rory?" I said looking past her to the strawberry blonde.
"I am."
"Well Rory, I am from America." I said.
"Ooo an international! How exciting." He said.
Esme scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Don't mind him, he's an idiot." She smiled.
"Have you been to your room yet?"
"Oh uh, I have not. I actually just walked in the building for the first time, before talking to you guys."
She shrieked in excitement. "I will walk you to your room! And give you a tour!" She grabbed my hand.
Her energy is lovely, I could get used to this.

I've been in college for a few months now, and it has been better than I could've ever expected. I quickly became friends with Esme, and Rory as well. Almost every night there is 20+ students studying together, there is never a dull moment here. I miss the triplets more than anything in the world. Especially Chris.
"Hey guys, I think I'm gonna head back to my room for a bit, catch you later?" I said to Esme and Rory packing up my books and computer.
"Sure! There's a party at 8, us first years are invited. For the first time ever." Esme said in a mocking tone.
"Shocker, I'll be there." I gave her a playful wink and headed to my room.

I tossed my bag on my bed and sat at my desk.
"Y/N!!" Chris answered.
"Chris! I miss youuuuu."
"I miss you too. How is school today?" He asked.
"It's goin good, like everyday. Apparently there is a party tonight at 8. And us first years are invited."
"First years? The fuck does that mean?"
"Oh right, freshman. They call the grades by their number here. So first second and third years." I said.
"That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard, what?!"
"Oh stop it, it's a lot less confusing then freshman."
"Uh huh, if you say soooooo." He joked.
We sat in silence for a few seconds, admiring each other through the FaceTime screen.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you more." I smiled.


"Jesus fuck!" I whipped my head to my door.
"Ugh, Chris hold on."
I got up from my desk chair and opened the door, it was Rory and Esme.
"What-" They both walked in.
"Umm hellooooo? What the fuck is happening?" I asked.
"I have the perfect dress for you, for tonight!"
Rory was observing my room, as if he hasn't been in it 10+ times already, and saw my phone propped up with Chris on the screen.
"Oh shit, hey what's up man?"
"Hello?" Chris said in a confused tone of voice.
"Oh yeah, Chris this is Rory, Rory this is Chris." I introduced them.
"Wassup Chris."
"Hello." Chris said.
"Hi there Chris, I'm Esme!" She waved at the camera.
"Y/N," she turned to me "look how beautiful this dress is!" She unzipped the protective cover and pulled the dress out. It was a silk brown dress.
"Oh my, Esme it's, its fucking beautiful!!"
"Well you, my friend, are wearing it tonight at the party! Every grade is going to be there, we need to be dazzled up. I will come over later to do your makeup."
I'm going to have to explain this to Chris.
"It's a college party, not a fashion runway." Rory said leaning back in my desk chair.
"Sluta! Gör inte så." (Stop it! Don't do that.)
I said to Rory slapping the top of his head.
"Förlåt! Fuck you didn't have to slap me." (Sorry!)
Rory rubbed the top of his head.
"Ok ok I love you both but time to leave, bye byeeee I will see you both later!" I said shoving them towards the door.
"Hej då Chris!" (Goodbye) Esme said.
I shut the door and sighed. Walking back to my chair and sitting in it.
"I can explain." I said.
"Explain?" He questioned.
Wait, is he not worried about me wearing a dress to a part? Or the fact another dude just pranced into my room?
"I wasn't expecting to get all fancy for the party, and Rory is my friend I met the first day, I'm sure this all seemed pretty bad from your perspective." I frowned.
"Y/N it's ok, I trust you. Plus why not look beautiful for a party? Have fun, live life." He smiled.
"You are such a sweetheart Chris." I am so lucky to have him in my life.
"Only to you."
"Wait yeah speaking of, where are your brothers? I haven't heard from Matt in weeks." I said.
"Yeah, he's still pretty upset about a lot of things. You choosing me, and you leaving. Taken a toll on him. But he's ok. I'm sure he will reach out soon."
"Oh, alright." I replied.
"And Nick is currently with my mom shopping."
"Aw, well tell them both that I miss them so much and I love them."
"Of course."
"Alright well, I should probably go. But I love you and I'll call you later, or tomorrow!" I said.
"Bye bye Y/N, love you too."
I hung up.

I can't wait to wear that beautiful dress. Tonight is going to be interesting, partying with kids older than us. Who knows what trouble we will all get into.



i hope you guys enjoy <3 im sorry if this first chapter sucks, i was rushing and have been trying to think about where i want the story to go. stick with me it will get better!!

also this is the dress you guys will be wearing:

also this is the dress you guys will be wearing:

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