Chapter ten ~ home

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   "Welcome home guys!" Chris said as we pulled into their driveway.
"Oh wow, your house is beautiful!" Esme was peering through the windshield.
"You guys rich or something?" Rory commented.
"RORY!" Finley reached over Nick to punch Rory's arm. "I'm so sorry about him, he's so.. he's just Rory."
The triplets laughed.
"I wouldn't say we are rich, but we are decent with money." Matt said as he parked.
"Matt, Nick." Chris said, and they both nodded at him.
What? What was that?
I guess the others found it strange too because they looked at me with confused expressions.

Chris opened the van door and hopped out, coming over to my side. Matt pushed the button overhead of him, to open my door. I unbuckled my seatbelt, still very confused as to what was happening.
Chris wrapped his arm around my waist, and I thought he was going to go in for a hug, but instead he picked me up bridal style from my seat in the van.

"What are you doing?!" I giggled.
(god i hate that word, so sorry LOL)
All he did was smile at me and started walking towards the front door of their house.


   Everyone in the van was quiet and still for a few moments.
"So are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" Rory asked.
"Wasn't that cute? He must have missed her so much." Esme awed.
"We've all missed her, but Chris actually has a surprise for her." Nick smiled.
"Ooo what kind of surprise?!" Finley asked.
"Well let's help you guys with your bags, get you inside, and you can find out!" Matt said as he opened the passenger door for Esme.


"What is going on?!" I spoke through heavy laughter.
Chris had carried me all the way to his room, he set me down on my feet as we were standing in front of his bedroom door.
He took both my hands into his.
"Y/N I have missed you so much. Not being able to hug you, to hold you, it's been so hard. But Y/N, I am so incredibly proud of you. You've been doing great in school, you've made new friends, you learned a whole other language for christ's sake!" I softly laughed at this.
"I am so proud to be your boyfriend. I have made plenty of mistakes, yet you still put up with my dumbass."

Everyone has made it inside, and they are watching and listening from a distance.

"You're so brave, you know that?"
I happily frowned, trying not to tear up.
"You've gone through so much. Shit nobody should ever have to go through. Especially you. Because you are the most amazing, sweet, loving, beautiful person on this planet."
"Chris" I looked at him with watery eyes. He gave my hands a little squeeze, we do this to comfort one another.
"I wish I came into your life earlier, to protect you. And I wish I had been in Sweden when you needed me most." He let go of one of my hands and turned the knob of his door.
"I love you. Love you more than anything in this world. You are my home." He walked me into the room still holding my other hand.

There were various stuffed animals on his bed, a basket of snacks and candy, and a few other gift bags. He had his LED lights set to a light pink, they were dim. Flowers we're sprawled out on the floor, and some on the bed. You would think they would be roses, but they weren't. They were lilacs. Because lilacs are my favorite flower.

He placed his palm against my cheek. "I want you to know," his other hand reached into his coat pocket "that I promise from this day forward, to always protect you. To always love you. To always communicate with you and talk things out. Andddd to always spoil you because I love you." He smiled, retracting his hand from my face.
He pulled something out of his pocket.
"Just a little token to resemble that I really mean my promises."

He had pulled out a small ring with a bright beautiful emerald stone. Green was my favorite color, and emerald was my birthstone.
"Chris," I was full on ugly crying now.
"It's a promise ring," he held my right hand and slid the ring onto my middle finger.
I hugged him. Clinging on for dear life. I can't believe this is my life, my life turned completely upside down. I love him.
He held onto me just as tight.
"I love you Chris. Thank you so much it's  beautiful," I pulled away from the hug to look at it, tears still falling. "I don't have words."
He held my face and wiped my tears with his thumbs.
I snickered through the tears. "I'm a little bitch." I joked.
"You're gonna make me cry, dumbass." He smiled, and kissed me.


"That was the surprise." Matt smiled.
"That seemed like something out of a movie, that was beautiful. I'd give anything to have a relationship like theirs." Esme swooned.
"It just made me feel really fucking single." Finley laughed.
"You and me both! I wish it were easy to meet guys who like me." Nick said.
"Their loss," Rory budged in "you're great. Don't settle for anything other than what you deserve."
Finley and Esme looked at each other in utter shock.
"Who- what-" Esme started.
"Did Rory just say something, nice?" Finley asked.
"Who are you, and where is Rory- the asshole?!" Esme taunted.
"Ha ha, very funny dickheads." Rory rolled his eyes.
"Thank you, Rory." Nick smiled at him.
"Ok." Is all Rory replied.



sorry for the short chapter ! just wanted to get one out for you guys since it's been so so long :((
more on the way <3

thank you for all the support and for still sticking around
love you guys



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