Beyond the Light

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- Other Side | Amarkun Hill -
A/N: If anyone knows what that name comes from then by the Silent King, I salute you.

The footsteps of over 5,000 Astartes of the Steel Wyverns Legion, filled the air of the hills that was the other side of the Portal though it would only be a few moments later when the clashing of Saderan steel to Dawi metals would fill the air. When the marines went through the portal, over 25 thousand soldiers of the Imperial Army were camping over at the plains at the bottom of the hills where the Portal is situated, the clear disadvantage in height and firepower gave a massive area to shoot upon the soldiers.

30 minutes. 30 whole minutes, of the screams and pleads of mercy and kindness from the Saderan soldiers as they were disemboweled, beheaded and dismembered with pools of blood staining the fields where their camp once stood. Johann thought many things of the Empire before coming through the portal, he saw them as an Empire of humans who have been corrupted by their emotions and needed to be humbled, though now, he could only give pity at them, knowing full well that death and destruction is the only thing they would get from this.

As the air was now plagued with the smell of piss and blood, Johann stood upon the field, looking at the fields in front of him as the sun started to set, behind him stood Armann Uvali and Drusus Almorius, Princeps Centurio of the Centurionibus of Cohors - V.
A/N: I promise I will detail all about the Legion in my Lore Book. About the Cohors/Cohorts and what units compose a Cohors/Cohort. Totally will not just disregard this information cause I am not a lazy ass author... Totally.

"Report, Princeps."

With the order, Drusus began his verbal report to Johann.

"No brother was injured, all of the enemies have been eliminated with the potential of a contingent of soldiers to come to us being high. I ask of you, Dux, to allow the Veniam to build fortifications and defenses such as autocannons."

"Granted but on one condition."

"Any for the safety of our brothers, Dux."

Drusus said as he placed his fist to his breast plate while bowing his head.

"You will have only 2 days, today and tomorrow, to build defenses around the Portal, after that, we shall focus on expanding our influence and control, as father intended for us to do."

"Of course, Dux, 2 days is already enough for the Veniam."

"And what do you need, Tecitus? Don't you already have your orders to explore with your machines?"

Johann asked the Techtite commander.

"Lord-Astartes, though we have all been given commands to study the planet and its inhabitants by the Logica-Rex, we still have parameters that call for your approval."

"Then go. Do your studies, your noting. Do what was asked of you by my father."

"Immediately, Lord-Astartes."

Armann said as he gave a bow then leaving with his personal guard, a version of the Oremus Archons, guardians of the various Tecitus, following him.

Johann had many things that circulated in his mind but one thing stood out of all of them.

'This will be a quick conquest of a few years. I hope the Veniam build the fortress faster than foretold.'

After that, he then went to the command tent, a prematurely made tent for commanders and officers of the Cohors and the Company. Inside, there were multiple computers of Techtite origin while at the center, a few Techtite engineers were working on making a holo-projector to work though still in a work in progress. Beside the holo-projector is a map taken from one of the Saderan officers' dead bodies.

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