Chapter 17

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Taeji took a step back and Went to the living room with the new dog following her from behind, She saw How Thunder look very happy to see the new dog

Taerin: Do you know the dog?
Ami: It looks like He knew you very well though, look at him growling at us for talking at you

Ami pointed out, It totally makes her shiver, the dog's Stare makes her feel like she would meet a grim reaper anytime soon

Mark: Its like there's another version of Thunder in this house
Ami: Well they are both Doberman, the dog and thunder are just like twins but he is black and thunder in red

Ami muttered still shivering from fright, Taerin hung unto Mark's arm not letting go obviously

Taeji: he is kind though
Mark: Tell us that when he stop growling at us

Mark Utter making Taeji let out a small chuckle

Taeji: There's something written on His collar
Mark: he? Its a boy?
Taeji: is there a girl that is a he Mark? Is there?

Mark mumbled a small sorry before taking a seat staying silent

Taeji: What does L. JN & M. TJ means? Is that like the collar's Brand? That's a very long name for a brand

Taeji muttered sitying down on the floor witg the new dog, thunder and as well as Milk, Milk was on her lap as the two dogs play beside her

Taerin on the other hand Furrowed at the unfamiliar name. But then she remembered the soulmate gift!

Taerin: Take a look at Milk's collar

Taeji was kunfused but still did it, she saw the same font but just different words written on it

Taeji: Its L.MH & M. TR
Mark: that's our initials that's how we confirm that we are soulma- WAIT THAT MEANS

Mark gasped when he realize that, the words written in the collar is Taeji and Her soulmate's initials

Taeji was stunned to even utter a word at that moment; Ami was worried for Taeji knowing that she fear having a soulmate after their talk last night

Taerin: what words are written again?
Taeji: L-L. JN a-and M. TJ
Mark: LJN?
Taerin: babe

Taerin mumbled looking at Mark knowing Who is her soulmate, The two glance At the KUNfused Taeji until Ami Spoke

Ami: Lee Jeno

Taeji's mouth hung as she close her eyes then bitting her lips; having a hard time to believe that out of all people it would be that guy who is a friend of her twin

Mark: I- You cannot deny that anymore Ji
Taerin: Oh my god! J-Jeno. It's really Jeno
Ami: Out of all people
Taeji: Im going to school

Taeji muttered as she dun upstairs to change into her uniform, Ami barged inside and Change as well

Ami: what are you going to do at school?
Taeji: Jeno
Ami: what about him?
Taeji: We need to talk

Taeji muttered before taking her Bag, Ami rushed on wearing her tie and Ran to Taeji

Taerin: Ji-
Taeji: Ill be back later
Mark: H-hey
Taeji: Later bro. Mi!
Ami: Im here!

Ami yelled going out of the car, The dogs stayed behind with the couple, worried that they might eat them alive now that There are two version on Thunder in the household, They just hope milk will have them controlled

Taeji drove themselves to their school entering the campus, Renjun who was hoing to go to the bathroom saw Taeji and Ami running as fast as they can to get to their classroom, and As the student council President He called them over

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