22 : Selections

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Echoes of shoes squeaking, ball dribbling, and guys shouting, that was all that was surrounding us

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Echoes of shoes squeaking, ball dribbling, and guys shouting, that was all that was surrounding us.

Oh yeah, also my raging heartbeat.

It was the selection match. The court was filled with students and teachers.

" Pass it " Avi hooted while running towards the basket, to one of the players.

It was a match between all the students aiming to land a place on the basketball team for Ecronium-fest.
No idea what the name suggests.

( A/N: An original creation by me. Loved the sound of it )

The team captains were Haans and Avi.

Just as Avi shot the ball towards the basket, Haans blocked it with his hand and dribbled away.
They were at a tie-down now, with only 10 seconds left on the clock.

Suddenly my view was blocked by a guy, who stood too close to me, leaning down so he could be at my eye level since I was sitting in the first row on the bleachers.

He looked at me with a mischievous smile, his face was a 5-inch distance from my face, and said " Hey there "

I glared at him and made a deep growling noise in my throat.

He instantly backed away with a creeped-out expression on his face. Then he walked away while mumbling " Psycho "

I didn't pay attention to that and kept my eyes on Haans. We were at the edge of our seats.
Piku obviously supported Avi, Ritz supported them both, and Viki said he supported whoever will win.

It was only 3 seconds left on the clock and I was on the verge of falling unconscious because of how anxious I was.

Haans was trying to find someone from his team, near the basket, to pass the ball, but everyone had a blocker. He was about 5 steps behind the halfcourt line.

I could see he was contemplating, and I knew exactly what.

" DO IT HAANS " I shouted.

His face became determined and he shot.

Everything was in slow motion for me. Everybody's head was moving with the ball, which is going to decide who wins today.
I held onto my breath, saying a silent prayer in my heart.

It was a full-court shot after all. Haans has never tried it before in a game, only when he's practicing, and it never made it, since it was a very difficult shot.

The ball went into the basket and the buzzer went off.

" YESSSS....." We both shouted while he pumped a fist in the air, and I jumped up from my seat.

And then I ran towards him and he stood there with his arms spread for me. We both were laughing in glee.

I lunged into his arms and hugged him with all of my strength. My arms were around his neck and legs around his waist.
His arms were around my waist, squeezing me just as tightly, and spun me around.

𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖀𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖎𝖆Where stories live. Discover now