31 : My first Priority

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Dodged a bullet.

That is how I am feeling right now while walking toward our designated bench in the campus central park.

" How was it? " Ritz asked Avi

" Easy peasy lemon squeezy " Avi sang while moving his butt side to side with each word. Then he wiggled his eyebrows at us.

I breathily chuckled. He's too cute sometimes.

" Asshole " Ritz said with a disgusted expression.
Hell will freeze over before she admits to Avi that his childishness is cute.

" Aww my Ritz, are you jealous? You know that you can never be as cute as me. " Avi squeezed her to his side.

" I'd rather burn myself alive. " Ritz growled and elbowed him in the stomach.

He moaned in pain.
Piku held him in an instant, making him smile.
They are too cute.

" How was it for you? "
Viki asked Ritz

" And why would I tell you that? " Ritz sassed

" Bitch " Viki mumbled

" A bitch who can make you fall to your knees " Ritz boasted.

Viki became tongue-tied because he knew it was true.
In fact, we all know it was true.

I, Avi, and Piku snickered.

We had just finished our final exams of this semester.

I was extremely scared of how I will perform in these exams, given everything that's been going on since the beginning of the semester.
I had tried my best to keep up with my studies. I can't let what's going on in my personal life, affect my career and studies. That's why I studied even when I was crying in misery.

And it paid off to say the least. I passed all of my exams, which was the motive.

Somehow Law, Medicine, and Business majors had their final exam on the same day.
Piku and Viki were here just to spend time with us.

" Are you all avoiding asking me about my exam results because you don't want to depress me further, if the results were bad? "
I asked them nonchalantly.

My voice wasn't high enough, because I wasn't feeling well, but thankfully they heard me.

They all glanced at one another and then sheepishly looked at me.
I chuckled and shook my head.

A very bad move, because it made my headache worse.
Pull yourself together Ahana.

" It was good. I passed. "
I smiled lightly while giving them a thumbs up.

There were collective sighs of relief and they came around me for a group hug.
I love these idiots.

Just as the group hug broke and they moved a little back, I saw through the gap in between Viki and Ritz, who were standing in front of me.

𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖀𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖎𝖆Where stories live. Discover now