40 : Happy New Year

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The cold breeze grazing my skin is making me snuggle more into the cozy throw wrapping my upper body

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The cold breeze grazing my skin is making me snuggle more into the cozy throw wrapping my upper body.

"It's so cold "
Piku mumbled from beside me.

" Tell me about it. "
I mumbled back

We all were standing on the joined terrace of our house, and by we I mean all our friends and their families, of course, except Viki's and Ritz's family, but we are used to it.

What we aren't used to, is the presence of this rose factory, Prada-wearing, ever so clinging, demoness.

You must have guessed it.

It's Kashish.

It's 31st December, and we are waiting for the countdown fireworks.

Our parents lounging on the chairs in one corner, while our gang is standing close to the railing, with our eyes stuck to the sky.

Haans and demoness to my left, and the rest of the gang to my right.

A breeze passed by and I shuddered.
" Ooh "

Haans moved closer to me and rearranged my wrap tighter around me.
" Is it better? "
He asked with a smile.

I nodded with a grateful smile.

Then he wrapped his right arm around me
" This will keep you warm "
He whispered to me.

I snuggled to his side.

I was relishing in the warmth of his body, when the fireworks started, making me come out of the haze.
I stood straighter, but his arm was still wrapped around me.

Our parents joined us near the railing.

We all started chanting with each firework.

I whipped my head toward Haans to wish him.

We always wish each other first.

We believe that it's a form of good luck for us.

I know it sounds dumb, but it's a tradition.

But like every other tradition this year, even this was broken.

My breath stuck while I heard echoes of new year's wishes around me.

My eyes stung and my mind was blaming me for even doing the stupidity of expecting something different.

Like every other thing that mattered to me, even this got stolen, because I stood there, watching them kiss, an arm's distance away from me.

The familiar squeezing of my heart was like a reminder of my despair and a mocking to my expectations.

𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖀𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖎𝖆Where stories live. Discover now