Deku vs. Kacchan

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Guys, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused!

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Guys, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused!

"One more thing, Principal Nezu sir." The chimera turned to Aleister, who snapped his fingers. Nezu's recliner suddenly had a built-in tray attached to it and there was a steaming cup on a small plate on top of the tray. "A fresh steaming cup of Earl Grey from my personal collection. If you want any type of tea, you'll have it in an instant."

"You have wonderful taste and thank you, Mr. Sinclair." Nezu took a sip of the Earl Grey. "This is marvelous."

"How do you make it so fast?" Present Mic asked as Aleister raised his glass to the principal.

"I don't reveal my secrets." Aleister said.

"The food is instantly made but the tea is brewed by a server. But other than that, Aleister brews his own tea." Giselle said, making her husband sigh.

"Is there anything you don't drink?" Midnight asked.

"I'm not a big fan of coffee though I still drink it." Aleister answered in a nonchalant tone. Aizawa turned to look at the time spirit.

"You're not a big fan of coffee?" Aizawa asked.

"Coffee is more of Giselle's liking than mine." Aleister said. "She needed the caffeine when she would work on her designs late nights."

"Don't act like you never needed the caffeine as well back in grad school. We both needed it." Aleister chuckled at that. "It's 11 AM. Let's start the show." Giselle pressed a button on the remote and the lights dimmed. She turned to look at you, the reader.

'Six months. It took six months for this to be updated. While these children watch the show, Aleister and I will be reading the manga.' She pressed play and the episode started. She made two tablets appear and gave one to Aleister, taking her heels off and putting her feet up on his lap.

'Always the carefree one.' Aleister shook his head and began reading from where he left off from last time.

The episode started with a recap of episode six. "Hey, do you really think Deku has a quirk?" Katsuki asked.

"You saw how he threw that ball." Tenya stated.

'Was he seriously tricking me all these years?' Katsuki thought as his body shook from rage. 'I'm gonna roast that damn nerd today!'

"I didn't need to see that scary look on Bakugou's face again." Toru said, rubbing her arms.

"He can be a real pain, sure. But his strength and his confidence and his ambition. Not to mention his quirk. They're all so much greater than mine" Izuku said solemnly. "But that just means that I have to do better." He put his respirator on. "I refuse to lose today."

"Alright, let's begin the indoor combat training!" All Might's voice boomed through the speaker. "Team A and Team D, your time starts now!"

Katsuki appeared from one of the hallways and charged at Izuku with his arm back, preparing his attack. The greenette dove out of the way from the extended arm and explosion from Katsuki's surprise attack, tackling Ochako out of the way.

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