Chapter 5: Wizard

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"You shifted your piano to your bedroom because...", Taehyung looked in my direction looking all confused. Well not exactly in my direction but he was about 30 degrees off to the left.

"Um.. well because the weather is getting hot and so I thought we should have our sessions inside."

"Inside the mansion wasn't cool enough? It had to he inside your room?", Taehyung asked me, chuckling and I could my cheeks heating up.

"Well, I didn't want to disturb dad with my horrible piano skills and since, I can't play well, I am kind of conscious of the staff judging me. So I brought it here. I hope you don't mind." I tried super hard to sound genuine. I wasn't. I had come up with the whole plan and an excuse to shift the piano in my room and I hope he would buy it and he did.

"There is nothing to be conscious about, Jungkook. You are learning. You will get better but until then we practice here. I don't mind", Taehyung said with a blindling smile. God I couldn't even.
"Are you feeling better today?", he continued.

I nodded in response. Shit. I said yes. Out loud.

"That's great!"

He spent the next half an hour teaching me somethings and I tried as hard as I could to concentrate without getting distracted. He wouldn't like me if I didn't pay attention to the class. Will he? We decided to take a short break and I saw opportunity.

"Do you have family, Mr. Kim?", I asked him. I only wanted to know if he was single.

"You can me Taehyung", he smiled.

"But aren't you like 3 years older than me? How can I call you by your name?" I tried to sound innocent and cultured when I had never considered calling Jimin, Hyung even though he was of the same age as Taehyung.

"Oh well, you can call me hyung then", he smiled. Can I kiss his smile? Can I stop blushing? Please?

"Okay hyung. Do you have family?"

"Of course I do. Everyone has family and who don't, they have friends. I am lucky to have both", he said. I noticed something then. The genuineness on his face. He was the innocent one amongst the both of us. Not me. I was wondering if he was straight or gay or pansexual. Anything worked for me as long he wasn't asexual. I had a reputation of turning straight men gay for a night or two.

"Have girlfriend?" I continued the small talk.

"I don't", he smiled.




"Are you trying to ask me out Jungkook?"

"Yes", I blurted and why? "I mean no. Of course not". Damage control. I facepalmed myself feeling grateful that he couldn't see me cringing at myself.

Taehyung just gave me a fond smile.

"You tell me. Any partner?"





"Oh who is the lucky guy?", Taehyung chuckled.

"Sean Morris."

I was praying to the Gods to make this stop. The conversation was going south and he did not need to know about Sean but I couldn't blame myself. I was too distracted by him to be able to lie. But then it suddenly dawned on. How did he know I had a boyfriend? I asked him.

"I just had a feeling. I am sorry if I offended you", he was quick to answer.

"Oh no! What's the offense when you call a gay person, gay?" I found myself chuckling.

We talked about anything and everything for a while before I asked him again if he was single. He didn't answer. He said it was complicated. I hate complicated.

"Why are you hell bent on knowing my relationship status?" I saw him giggling and my heart stopped for a second. This man had to be a wizard and he was doing something to me.

"What if I was trying to ask you out?" I said before I could stop myself. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

"I beg your pardon?", he asked, his face was all confusion.

It was too late to back down now.

"I said what if I want to ask you out?"

"What about Sean Morris?", he asked me. A kind smile on his face.

"It wasn't serious and he will probably break up with me now"

"Why is that?"

"I called him Taehyung while he was sleeping with me"

Taehyung went silent. He didn't say anything for a while and I internally chastised myself for being too blunt. But it wasn't my fault really. My heart would have stopped if I didn't tell him. I watched him keenly. I saw a twitch on his face. Either his lips or his eyebrows twitched but the movement was so subtle, I wasn't sure.

"It's normal to have infatuations at your age, Jungkook", he smiled again. "I hope you are able to fix things up with your boyfriend soon. We should get back to our session." And just like that I was rejected for the first time in my life and it sucked.

"Wow, I have never been rejected before", I found myself mumbling.

"Nobody is rejecting you. It's just not appropriate."

"So you are telling me you want to go out with me?", I was grinning ear to ear.

"I didn't say that Mr. Jeon. Back to the piano now please?"

I went back to the chair in front of the piano and sat straight away, grinning. There was hope.

"Just in case, you are wondering hyung, I look cute" , I said, my big smile not leaving my face.

"Okay. Can you play what I just taught you?"

"Also, I can be hot even. Whatever you want me to be."

"That's great! Can you play for me now."

I play whatever I could. He was half-impressed. I could see it on his face.

"People say I have a beautiful smile. You would know if you could see me", I said grinning before I realised what I did.

"I didn't mean that."

I saw Taehyung sigh. "Jungkook, you are talking about things that matter nothing to me. I was paid by your father to teach you music, not to take his son out. Do you understand?"

I nod, looking up at him from my chair.

"Use your words."

Why do I keep forgetting?

"I understand", I mumbled.

I decided I have had enough rejection for a day so I stopped. If only he could see me pouting.

"Are you goung to practice what I taught you today?"



"Can we meet outside then? We can keep the sessions seperate from dates? It should be okay then right?", I said in a sad voice despite deciding that I would stop for today. I told you the man was a wizard. He was doing things to me. I was losing control of my own mind. I thought he was going to think I was clingey and he would be mad but he laughed?

He cackled for a while before smiling. His hand found its way to my head and he ruffled my hair, "You are cute, Jungkook."


Tell us something we don't know, Taehyung 🧍🏻‍♀️

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