010.Crystals and Kanimas

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Erica and Isaac went to the school to get Jackson and bring him back to Derek who was waiting with Sage . "What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek asked eerily. "What? Nothing. Nothing happened" He replied aggressively. "Your lying" Derek finalized and started putting gloves on causing Sage to roll her eyes at his dramatics. "No, wait. No, wait, wait. I can prove it. I taped myself" He desperately tried making the wolves laugh at him before realizing he was serious.

"You taped yourself" Isaac questioned. "God how self obsessed are you" Sage muttered. "Yes. It was the full moon. And maybe while you were curled up in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was preparing for the so called gift your big, bad alpha promised me. And what did I get? Nothing. You want proof? Let me get the video" he ranted.

"Actually if we're realistically speaking you turn into a slimy lizard how ironic" Sage vocalized her brother choosing to ignore her. "No. No, I have a better idea" Derek calmly spoke picking up a piece of glass. "What is that?" Jackson groaned as Isaac and Erica dragged him closer to the siblings. "You know Jackson, you've always been kind of a snake and everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by it's own venom" Derek smiled pouring venom into the boys mouth that was being forced open by his betas.

The four stood in confusion as the venom paralyzed him. "Did you do something wrong?" Sage questioned. "No Sage, he just isn't the Kanima clearly" Derek told his sister like it was obvious. "No he is. Trust me. We must have done something wrong there is no way anyone else fits Jackson's description perfectly enough to be the kanima" Sage stated confidently. Derek spoke to Jackson before leaving with Erica following behind him whilst Isaac and Sage stayed a while before leaving for school.

"So you really think that Jackson is going to tell the sheriff what he said was a lie" Sage quizzed. "Yeah I do, besides your the one who's certain he's the kanima" He teased. "Because he is, he must have been faking it or something" Sage said irritated. "So, your friends with Scott and Stiles you guys seem pretty close" Isaac said jealousy seeping through his tone. "Why, got a problem with that" she teased.

"Oh no, no I just um. What does Derek think about that" he stammered. "Derek's not my dad, he doesn't get to think anything. Plus I was friends with them before I left just like I was with you. The only difference is that they're not stalkers and remember the bow I wore every day in 5th grade" Sage chuckled walking away leaving a very flustered and embarrassed Isaac behind her.


Scott and Stiles walk in muttering to each other before seeing Isaac and Erica and rush to surround Lydia, confusing Allison who sits next to Sage. Allison was making eye signals back and forth to Scott who was telling Allison to question Sage. "What does Derek have planned." Allison whispered. "What?" The wolf responds genuinely confused. "Jackson overheard Erica and Isaac talk about testing Lydia in chemistry" the girl explained.

"Oh that son of a bitch. That why Erica disappeared with Derek earlier. She must have kanima venom with her they're going to make her eat it somehow. He didn't tell me" Sage explained making Allison turn to Scott and shake her head causing both boys to sigh in relief. "So what do we do?" The huntress asked. "We've gotta help her I'll find away to sit by Isaac and question him, no matter what make sure one of you ends up by Lydia" Sage tells them knowing that Scott could hear her.

"Einstein one said, 'two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity and I'm not sure about the universe. I myself have encountered infinite stupidity. So, to combat the plague of ignorance in my class your going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better that one or in Mr Stilinski's case less than one. Erica take the first station. You'll start with-" Harris trailed off when multiple people put their hands up making Erica smile.

Sage couldn't help but feel happy thya things were looking up for the girl. "I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal little hands down. Start with Mr. McCall" the teacher finished explaining before assigning everyone else's pairs. Lydia ending up with Allison and Sage with Isaac who was pissed at the boy for not telling her about her brothers plan.


"Seriously, I'm offended that you wouldn't tell me about Derek's plan. I thought we were closer than that Isaac" Sage said in mock offense rubbing her hand on his leg. "He uh told us not to tell you" he explained swallowing thickly. "What exactly are you trying to do" she asked him moving her hand to his chest with a smirk. "I can't tell you" the wolf breathed out. "Don't do anything stupid Isaac, We wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we" she whispered in his ear causing him to tense up when she turned to start doing the experiment.

"Alright switch" Harris told them making her smirk before moving to sit by Erica and leaving Isaac to sit by Stiles. "You look hot" Erica flirted with her alphas sister. "I know, I always do" Sage teased the girl twirling a piece of the girls blonde hair round her finger getting a similar reaction to Isaac. "Hurt Lydia and no matter what my brother will do or how good friends we are there will be a problem" Sage whispered.

"Oh come on Sage, why are you defending her. Surely you wouldn't rather hang out with them than us" Erica told the girl biting her lip as she moved her hand up Sages thigh as she had done to Isaac moments prior. "Is Sage dating Erica I always thought she'd go for Isaac" Lydia whispered to Scott making Sage snap into reality and Isaac glare at Erica jealousy and irritation rolling off him. "I don't pick sides often but I'd rather help them, than help you seems though your trying to kill an innocent girl and all" Sage hissed.


Harris had made the class switch again where Isaac had ended up by Lydia with Scott and Stiles behind them and Sage on the table next to the two boys with a random girl in their class. Erica had sat next to Allison tormenting the girl about Scott and Lydia whilst digging her claws into her thigh making Allison gasp in pain. Harris explained that the crystal was edible and Scott tried to stop Lydia from eating the crystal covered in kanima venom but couldn't without causing a big scene.

Isaac smirked tauntingly at the two boys but avoided looking at Sage because for some reason he could help but feel guilty for not telling her about Derek's plan when he had chance to. Lydia had eaten the crystal and hadn't been effected making Scott and Sage look out of the window to see Derek standing there watching and waiting for Lydia to exit the school.

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