A beautiful girl with the height of Destiny and i combined stood inches away from the center doorway. No doubt it was my older sister, you could smell the success off of her.
With her glossy plaited brown locks (as always) draped over the left side of her back and her custom gold Leather black bag wrapped across her right shoulder, Nia looked more than ready to enter a business meeting, or worse...pounce on us with her overbearing motherly antics! ("why are you so wet?" "Didn't you use an umbrella?" "What took you both so long??? We could have missed the skating competitions!")
"Took you both long enough!" Nia's familiar chuckle trickles into earshot. I've been waiting here for 30 minutes!'
"And you would of waited 30 minutes more if it meant shaking one more of those budding author's hands." I teased back.
"Tut tut kiddo, just wait till you're given the privileged of going out to conventions, come to think of it." Her autumn hazel eyes had a remarkable twinkle in them. "When you get a Job you're going to have to learn the art of saving!"
Ari stifled a childish giggle, both her dimples flashing up like traffic lights.
"I'm referring to both of you Ariza." Nia stopped leaning sideways on the doorway. "Don't think my sister's crazy antics will allow yours to get sidetracked."
"I don't have any issues!" A pouted.
"Yeah suree...living on crisps and homemade cakes isn't a health issue at all." I muster back giving Ariza the decency to blush.
"Like you don't have a pile of chocolates weighing down your bags!"
I eyed my stuffed backpack gravely. "Yes,well...about that."
Nia's big eyes somehow became even wider. "Out my way."
With a small hand she brushed Ariza to the side before popping open my handbag, bursting with Belgium chocolate delicacies, wrapped in fudge brown paper. "There's enough here to feed an army!" came Nia's ecstatic reply.
"You don't sound particularly upset i spent all my money now do you." I grinned.
"You really didn't have too sister." Nia marveled scooping out half the continents of the bag in one go like one holds a new born baby.
"Oh but i did, i mean sure my kittens suffered the brunt of no new Christmas gifts but HEY! as long as my sister is happy."
"Yeah..that's good." Nia replied, ignoring my guilt tripping entirely, eyes scanning the truffles and treats. She's going to have a field trip tonight with all that dopamine tonight.
"3 tickets please!"
"So what took you both so long anyway?" Nia questions again as we hand the small Lady behind the marble desk our cards for Ice skating.
"I know you both operate on coloured people time but you've got working clocks to help you out,well.. i sure know i have." Nia tilted her slinky wrist upwards, with a Cartier yellow Watch draped across it.
"Too bad the clock in her stomach is broken." I mouthed to Ari, causing us to both erupt in a fit of snorts.
Ariza's brown eyes suddenly flutter above the view of my head.
I pat my hair down gently. "Uh oh...has it gone Maverick again?"
Ariza jolts backwards, pulling Nia and i with her to the back of the room, where the door to the rink is.
"What the hell are you doing?" "That hurt!"
"L alert." She whispered softly.
I slowly turn around to find a familiar gangly frame perched over the marble desk trying to get tickets with a bright smile on his face. Loren.
He chuckled a small joke to the receptionist who giggled back something, blushing incredulously, obviously enjoying being the center of his attention.
"He's got her under little his finger then." Nia suddenly noted, watching in on the scene.
"Yeah, and he's not even doing anything." i mutter. Loren's eyes roll back carelessly when the receptionist turns round to get the tickets. He doesn't care about her. He doesn't give a shit about anything.
And you know what the worst thing is?
This is nothing compared to when he's in full awe mode. How does one describe a guy like Loren.
Loren's one of the 1 percent of people who can make anyone laugh effortlessly, smile effortlessly and in some cases fall for them. charisma drips off their tongue like carat gold.It's incredibly strong, and when the guy in question knows how to use it?
A dangerous mixture indeed. "Damn scorpios." Ari grumbles randomly.
"Guys, forget it." i groan, already thumping up the staircase. "Let's just go before he catches up with us."
"Bit late for that." Loren announces loud enough for us to all hear.
Destiny Awaits - Based on a true story
ChickLitI'm starting a little fan-fiction based off of my childhood friends lives. Destiny, if you are reading this, you're welcome :) *i can't believe i'm doing this. If you want to learn more about my life you might some clues in here. Either way it's...