Chapter 16

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"Morning, guys," Kimmy is the first to say hello to Shayne and Courtney when they wander into the office, her tone just a little careful as she does. Courtney knows everyone else had picked up on the fact she hadn't been feeling great recently, and as much as it was still only Saige, Ian and Damien that knew a little more, the others weren't blind.

"Hey Kimmy!" she replies, knowing her tone is almost painfully bright for the time of the morning and the early call time that usually has them all collectively groaning, "how are you?"

"Good, good, you sound bright," she responds, immediately, Courtney simply shrugging and feeling her own smile grow as she purses her lips together. Should she straight up say it? Should she be coy?

Fuck it.

"Mm, well, someone proposed last night," she answers, trying to sound casual, although she knows she fails dismally as her excitement shines through in her words. She watches Kimmy immediately whip around to face them properly, gasping and glancing between the two of them.

"Oh my god, really? That's awesome, congrats guys!" she enthuses, "and oh my god, the ring looks so beautiful!"

Kimmy isn't quiet – nor had Courtney been – and she doesn't stay quiet as everyone else arrives into the office and greets them, either. Some of the writers and crew are already around, and they congratulate them alongside Kimmy, but as most of the other cast filter in after them – there's a lot of people in, today, it's a big shooting day – Courtney either tells them straight out, or they see her ring before she can say a word.

"Finally asked, Shayne?" Damien shoots a joke his friend's way, simply, although only after congratulating them (he hadn't noticed straight away, but he arrived with Saige, who did). It makes Shayne laugh lightly, although Courtney hears a slight hesitation in his tone.

"Yeah," he answers, simply.

"Oh my god, you're engaged? That's awesome guys, we can totally try and do pictures today between shoots," Brennan jumps into their conversation before Damien can say anything else, and it makes Courtney laugh.

"Kinda wouldn't mind that. You up for it, Shayne?" she asks, turning to him, but he nods enthusiastically, hand reaching out to gently bump against hers.

"Of course."

Courtney expects that, as much as her mood is boosted, she'll probably start feeling at least physically shitter as the day progresses, but as they move through a sketch shoot in the morning, it simply doesn't come. Yes, she's tired and it's hard to find the energy to act, and it reminds her that Dr. Nook had hinted at maybe doing less filming now. Yes, her feet hurt and her back aches a little and she feels like she's constantly running to the bathroom as the kid launches an all-out assault on her bladder...

But her head is fine. Her heart isn't racing, the ache in her back feels totally different and definitely more like it's a posture thing, and even the fog of pregnancy brain she'd felt the last little while feels lighter.

They take the pictures after their morning sketch shoot, out in the parking lot where they all do their own Instagram photoshoots – only this time it's Brennan with multiple cameras, sternly telling them they aren't allowed to pay him, this time, because it's just a few shots during their workday. It makes Courtney roll her eyes at him for a moment, before quickly settling back into a wide, affectionate smile as they hold each other close and she rests her hand strategically up on Shayne's shoulder so the ring is visible. Brennan keeps the angle tight, too: he does a couple of full-body shots, but for the most part, the photos are only chest up, keeping the attention on the ring instead of Courtney's now constantly obvious bump.

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