16. Long distance(Javon)

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You had managed to convince your mom to let you go to sneakercon somehow and you were so excited. You even went to the mall and got a new outfit, perfume and Dunks with your friend(friend is bold, you're regular):
"What do you think about these"
"They're cool"
"Seriously. What's your honest opinion"
"I honestly think that you aren't even gonna meet him. I mean, a lot of people are going, Y/n"
"Shut up. I will meet him and we'll be besties and everything will be amazing"
"Whatever gets you through the night, Y/n"

You hopped on the plane with your mom and before you knew it, you were there. As much as you hated to admit it, it was really crowded. Your mom was starting to feel claustrophobic and you didn't want her to faint so you told her to go back to the hotel:
"Are you sure you'll be okay?"
"Yes mom, I don't want you to faint or get hurt. I'll call you when I'm ready to go, I love you"
"I love you too."
You guided your mom to the Uber and she texted you when she got there. You were doing good, making friends, taking pics and you even went live on Instagram for a while before you saw Javon. He looked tired and beat but he still managed to put on a fake smile(Bold is Javon):
"Hey wanna get a picture."
"Sure but are you okay? You look really tired"

He was shocked by your kindness as no one had bothered to ask how he was, or if they did he always gave them a false answer. Maybe he was too tired to keep up the façade or maybe you just had a way about you but either way he opened up to you:

"I'm fine . I am kinda tired, I've just never done anything like this before"
"Ohhhhh. Im sorry that you're feeling like that. At least the night is almost over."
"Yeah ig lol."
You got your picture with him and you were about to leave but Javon stopped you:
"Hey can I have your number? I think you're really cute"
"Oh why thank you haha. Yeah sure"
You handed your phone to him and he put his name in it.
"Cool. I'll text you"
"Okay cool"
You called your mom and told her you were ready to go. Luckily, she was feeling so much better. She took 30 minutes to get there which gave you time to talk to Javon a bit. Turns out, you guys have a lot in common.

Once your mom got there, you told her about your whole experience(your mom is bold):
"Ooohhh I might have to meet this "Javon" and see if he's good for you"
"Mom stop" you said with a small smirk.
You stared down and twiddled your thumbs and talked about Sneakercon as a whole with your mom. When you got back to the hotel, you realized you got a few messages from Javon:

Javon 🥊
Hey is this Y/n?
Text me when you get back to your hotel

You and him kept texting back and forth until he asked if y'all could FaceTime. Y'all FaceTimed before he asked,
"Hey do you live in Atlanta?"
"No sorry I live in (your state)"
Javon sucked his teeth before saying,
"Damn. I really wanted to see you again."
"Well we can FaceTime all the time haha"
"You laugh a lot"
"Oh sorry"
"No no no it's cute. I like a girl that can laugh and you look really pretty while doing it" he said while smiling
"I really like your smile"
"I really like yours"
"Thanks. Wanna play 8 ball?"
"Yeah ofc"

You both played 8 ball and you were winning

"Damn you're kicking my ass"
"Ik. In your defense, your a boxer and actor, not a professional 8 ball player"
"Yeah that's true haha"

You went to sleep and you realized that you had fallen asleep on FaceTime with Javon. You saw him sleeping and screenshotted it because you thought he looked cute. You stayed on FaceTime for about a few more hours while you packed up and than you got on the plane and hung up. While going back home you home, you had a smile on your face and your mom took notice of this:
"If this Javon kid is making you smile this much, I think he might be my future son in law."
"Mooooooommm stop itttt" you smiled.
You both landed in y/c(your city) and went home. You were happy to be home but you missed Javon a lot. You FaceTimed Javon:
"Heyyy Y/n"
"Heyyy Wanna"
"I like it when you call me Wanna"
"Than I'll call you Wanna more often"

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