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"If a solvent is mixed with a solute which one is present in a greater quantity of the solution." The teacher questions the classes. I was about to raise my hand when a knock on the dors interrupt me.

"Hi Miss. Jake what can I do for you?"

"So here are Milo and Alessio, the new students and the principal will like Ashley to show around the school to them." As she points out the two guys that I help out earlier.

The teacher looked at me.

"Did you hear Ashley?"

"Yes I said will getting up and grabbing my things." As I got out of the class mister jake was leaving me with the newbies.

"So I'm suppose to show y'all around school this is weird really."

"Yep." one of the guys says.

"Alright let's start."


It's finally lunchtime me and my friends are sitting in the cafeteria. They talking about the party that's going to happen on the weekend. I don't really pay attention to what they saying. I'm lost in my own space when I realize Brayen talking to me I took off my air pods.

"Sorry what."

"I said girl are you coming this weekend."

"I don't know I have to ask."


I don't really fit in place with all those spoil rich kids I know I'm one too but I steel have a background I wish this day could just be over really quickly like every outer day in the bitch.

A moment after I see Brayen wave a someone. In curiosity, I look back and see the two new guys coming toward us.

"Do you guys want to sit with us?" Brayen asks them.

"Yes, why not." They both answer.


I finish the day with French classes. Right before i sit down i saw one of the new boys entering the classes asking for the teacher where to sit and she points to the free sit aside from me. Great. 

"Bonjour classe." The teacher said.(Hello classe.)

"Bonjour madame." we all answer.

"Aujourd'hui nous accueillons un nouvel étudiant parmis nous." (today we welcome a new student among us) As the classe all turn around to take a look at Alessio cute ass.

French was actually an easy class for me because of the Creol base my aunt obcul me but since French and creole look a lot it's really easy for me.

"Aujourd'hui je vais vous évaluez oralement vous allez être en équipe avec votre partenaire de table."(Today you are evaluating orally you are going to be in a team with your table partner.)

"Vous devez lire le texte que je m'apprête à vous distribuer et par la suite avoir un débat sur celui-ci."(you must read the text that I am about to distribute to you and then have a debate on it.)

No, it's a Romeo and Juliet extract I don't want to have to debate about this with him. It's the part where Romeo tries to kill himself for Juliet, in french.

"I'm done reading are you." i turn and Alessio was looking at me.


"Je pense que Roméo a totalement fait la bonne affaire." He says with an English accent that makes me laugh a bit. (I think Romeo totally did the right thing.)

"Je ne suis pas d'accord avec toi."(I do not agree with you.)

"Pourquoi qui ne fais pas ça pour être avec la personne qu'ils aiment." He look kinda anoyd (Why who don't do this to be with the person they love.)

"Personne dans cette génération de merde."(Nobody in this shitty generation.)

"Oui mais le point n'est pas ça."(Yes but the point is not that.)

"Je pense que si roméo etait un gars de cette génération il se seraient déjà trouvé une autre pute à fourrer." (I think if romeo was a guy of this generation he would have already found another bitch to fuck.) End of the conversation buddy  living the classe rithg after the bel rings.

The day is already over. I was walking to my car when I heard a sound behind me. I quickly turn around and I see Allesio behind me.

"Sorry did I scare you?" He said as I roll my eyes.

"No don't worry can I help you." I reply loading my school book into the back of my car.

"No not really I was about to ask if you need help with all those books botE it's looking like your alright." He said a bit annoyed by the fact that I rolled my eyes.

"Yep well I got to go my dad and I are busy bye." I said closing my car door before he could answer.

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