Siblings: Sirius/Lily Friendship

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As Lily is going on her last round, she hears arguing down towards the end of the corridor. She holds her wand up in defense as she approaches. As she turns the corner she is hit with the crisp sound of Sirius' voice.

"Why won't you listen to me Reggie? She is cruel and you damn well know it! Now you're going around with shit people at school, people who act exactly like her!"

"I'm fucking done Sirius! Do you even know what mother would say if she heard you right now? Maybe you deserve her punishments. You and your filthy mudblood friend." Regulus spat out, gesturing towards Lily.

Before Sirius had the chance to speak Lily stepped forward with her wand drawn to Regulus. "Get to bed Regulus, before I get your head of house involved and take points from Slytherin."

Regulus gave his brother another deafening glare before turning on his heel and walking quickly towards the dungeons.

"Are you alright Sirius?"

Sirius didn't speak, he just slunk to the floor and began to cry with his head in his hands and knees to his chest. Lily immediately sat beside him and rubbed his back.

"It's alright Sirius. It's alright."

"I can't do anything to change him now Lils, he's being so awful." Sirius sobbed out.

"You can't do anything to change his mind and it isn't your responsibility either. Have I ever told you about my awful sister? Petunia?"

"You've mentioned her a bit, but not really, no." Sirius sat up and wiped his face on his sleeve.

Lily began to braid Sirius' hair as she talked. "As you know I'm a muggle born. I have an older sister, Petunia. She's not a witch and she was so very jealous that I got to come to Hogwarts. She even wrote letters to Dumbledore to see if she could come anyway."

"Did she really? Did he respond to them?"

"Yes actually but that's not the point. Anyway, I remember first year when I was boarding the train, she stood on that platform and waved and cried. She even ran with the train until she couldn't anymore. Eventually she turned all of that jealousy into anger and treated me like right shit by about third year."

"I'm sorry Lils. I honestly had no idea."

"That's alright. I eventually stopped trying to convince her that she had nothing to be jealous or angry about. She wasn't ever going to believe it anyway." Lily sighed. "I really do think that Regulus is a bit jealous of you. You are rebellious against your mother- from what I can tell- and Regulus seems to do as she says. Now I don't think that means he's a bad person. Moreso just a young boy trapped in a position where he can't escape."

"I guess so."

They sat in silence for a while, their backs and legs getting cold from the chilly stone.

"I suppose we should head back to the tower. Your duties are probably up and I was already out past curfew." Sirius stood up and held a hand out to Lily.

"Are you going to tell me why you were up in the first place?"

"Oh, absolutely not, that's top secret marauders business."

"I guess I'll find out soon enough then." Lily laughed.

They made easy conversation on the way back to the tower. Finally reaching the portrait of the fat lady, Sirius pulled Lily into a tight hug.

"Thank you Lils."

"Of course Sirius."

"Also the braid, how did you get it so perfect? I can't do it myself."

"I can't tell you that, it's top secret."

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