Reid Has Syncope

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Fainting can result from many different health related conditions; low iron, heat stroke, malnutrition, severe pain, etc..
For one very lucky FBI profiler, low blood pressure was his gift that was held just under his genius.

Spencer Reid could often catch a fainting spell before he actually hit the ground. He would be standing and talking, but soon need to sit down when he got dizzy or lightheaded. Every now and then though, he would fall to the ground without any warning and freak out everyone around him, while most likely hurting himself in the process.

One of the first times he experienced a fainting spell he couldn't catch in time in front of the BAU, they were more than startled.

Obviously Reid's health needed to be briefed to the team, so they were immediately informed of the syncope he experienced regularly. The very first time they saw Reid pass out was scary, but not a surprise.
He managed to catch it before actually loosing consciousness, and just sat himself down in the nearest chair. A few seconds later, before anyone could ask why he stopped talking and randomly sat down, his eyes rolled back and he slumped forward slightly.

The only people present at the time were Morgan and JJ, who Reid was rambling to. They were probably the worse people to see him faint when by themselves, as Morgan was laughing and JJ was freaking out.
She was worried he was going to die, so she frantically check his pulse and tried to elevate his head; all things Gideon had told the team to try and do unless Reid explicitly told them not to before he pass out.
But contrary to Morgan's humorous take on his first witness of Reid's fainting spells, his random, unwarned ones actually scared him.

They were working a case in Florida during the summer, causing everyone to be hot and uncomfortable. Dehydration was a trigger to Reid's low BP, as is for most people, but it only encouraged his next episode.
Even with them noticing Reid slightly dehydrated, they didn't think it'd cause any problems, as he only faints two to three times a week, and he had reached his max the day before.

They were giving the police station's officers the preliminary profile of an unsub that was killing teenage girls, all who had fallen victim to unplanned pregnancy.

"We believe this killer is a male between the ages of 20 and 40, without a definitive race as of now." Hotch began, metaphorically passing the mic to Morgan.

"He is most likely disorganized and is opportunistic in his kills; he won't actively search for these girls, but he cannot contain his anger when he sees them alone. It's entirely possible that this unsub is trying to punish these girls for their irresponsibleness in relation to their pregnancies." The mic was again handed off but to Reid.

"Though it is more likely his kill drive stems from anger, we do not want to rule out the possibility that this man is killing out of a sense of care for his victims. He could not want them to carry through with the birth if he believes it will hurt the mother or he thinks it's wro-"

And down Reid went; mid-sentence. Contrary to the movies, you don't fall backwards in slow motion when you faint, you actually tend to crumble to the ground. Especially when it's entirely unexpected, your knees will buckle and give out while your hands will make no effort to catch you. You'll fall hard and almost always hurt yourself.

Reid managed to hit a chair on his way down, softening his fall, but also resulting in a scrape to his jaw.
The BAU members were caught off guard, let alone the officers in the precinct.
Gideon's expression wasn't worry as much as surprise. JJ immediately went down to preform the basic check on Reid's vitals and check for external injuries. Hotch was confused, but kept the other officers in the room at bay with a quick explanation and halfhearted reassurance. Elle was helping Hotch with the people around them, claiming that it was just hot and that the agent was unadapted, slightly contradicting her chief's statement, but everyone was so concerned they failed to notice.
The weirdest thing in the room wasn't the FBI agent pass out cold on the floor, but was Derek Morgan's reaction. He was frozen. No smile or laugh on his lips, no attempt at helping, just deadpan silence and frightened eyes. It took a whole thirty seconds for him to actually do something with his body, and it was at Gideon's requests. The senior agent had asked the other to get Reid some water for when he woke up.
Desperate to be reassured of his friends good health, Morgan quickly came back with a water bottle and gave it to Gideon, who was still on the floor by Reid's head.

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