Season 2 Episode 11 "Sex, Birth, Death"

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"I can't believe his mother isn't out here looking for him." Morgan scoffed, driving their black SUV through the neighborhood surrounding the boys house.

"I told her to stay behind, at home, in case he came back." Spencer replied, preoccupied with looking through the tinted windows as they passed buildings and roadside bushes.

Morgan looked over at Reid, confused by his comment, and frustrated with the whole situation.
"You are not responsible for this kid, Reid." Morgan urged, "You can't keep holding his hand. He's in some deep trouble."

Reid lowered into his seat, "I understand what he's going through." He continued to look through the window at the passing scenery, hoping Morgan would leave it at that.

"Of course you do, you're a profiler." The other man said, thinking he was being reassuring.

"No, it's not like that." Reid sighed, cursing himself for continuing the conversation instead of letting Morgan have the last words.

"Then enlighten me, kid." Morgan said curious as to what more he had to say, ready to challenge anything Reid would say.

"I know what it's like to be afraid of your own mind." Reid replied calmly. He continued to search for the boy through the window, as he ignored Morgan's eyes on him.

The agent stared at Reid for a moment, trying to make sense of his comment. Was it a metaphor? What did that even mean?

"What does that mean?" Morgan asked, a little agitated by his confusion and ignorance.

"Don't worry about it." Reid defused, knowing he had dug himself into a hole he couldn't climb out of.

"No kid! Tell me what you meant!" Morgan unintentionally intimidated Reid by looming over him from the drivers seat.

The younger man balled up slightly, but gained back a fit of confidence and fought back.
"I've never wanted to kill anyone, if that's what you're asking!"

"I know that." Morgan quieted down, sighing, "I just want to know what you're afraid of. Or was." He talked nicely, a contradiction to his earlier outburst.

"My brain is scrambled all the time, Morgan." Reid assured, "It's nothing I'm not used to."

"Just because you're used to it, doesn't mean it's ok. What is it?" Morgan wouldn't back down.

Reid sighed, defeated and not willing to fight anymore.
"It just seems like I know things I shouldn't. Gideon says it's normal, to be scared of what you know and can do." It was a cryptic answer, but an answer nonetheless.

"What do you mean by all that?" Morgan asked calmly, glancing between the road and Reid in the passenger seat.

"I don't know what I mean." Reid sighed, "It's just that I empathize with him, you know? Not with killing prostitutes, and beyond how just a profiler would." Reid gave a sad look to Morgan, one not of worry but of half-acceptance; the kind that only comes about when you have no other option, so you settle.

"I understand you feel for the kid, but he could kill someone tonight if we don't find him." Morgan patted Reid on the shoulder with a free hand, returning it to the car's steering wheel after.

"We'll find him." Reid said calmly but sternly. He sat up straight again and continued to look vigilantly out of the car windows.

Morgan stared at Reid periodically. He wanted to erase any bad memories he had in his brain that his eidetic memory wouldn't let him forget. The bullying from school, the issues with his mother, the torture from unsubs; he deserved a break.

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