Reid's Epistaxis

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Thrombocytopenia is a fancy word meaning you have a low platelet count, which is a fancy term used when you don't have enough megakaryocytes cells in your bone marrow that are used to clot wounds and other bleedings.
A common symptom in many affected people is epistaxis, which is just more medical jargon that means nosebleeds.
Though nosebleeds are common among everybody, people who have a low platelet count can get unprovoked nosebleeds that are generally worse than your typical one. 
The amount of blood can range from a few drops to a cups worth, and can last a few minutes to a few hours.

Thrombocytopenia has many other symptoms, the most prominent one—it being a synonyms for the actual name—is hemophilia.
By a stroke of luck, Spencer Reid didn't have that severe of a case. His hemophilia was generally mild compared to others diagnosed with low platelet conditions, but his epistaxis was terrible.
He'd get nosebleeds about twice a week and they'd last twenty/thirty minutes. The bleeding didn't effect him physically so he was still cleared for field work, but he still had mild precautions associated with his hemophilia.

His nosebleeds were frequent and gory; large amounts of blood would pour out of one or both of his nostrils. The other BAU members took a while to get used to it, but were made aware of Reid's condition upon meeting him for the first time.
Somewhere after saying his name he awkwardly stated that he gets bad nosebleeds every now and then, but he said it in very medical terms, so no one really understood what he was saying. They chalked it up to the young new recruit being nervous and just rambling, as their coworker, Gideon, had said he often did.
The veteran profiler was well aware of Reid's condition, but wanted him to explain it to his new colleagues himself.

The misunderstanding of Reid's warning, ended up scaring all of them when they first encountered the bloody event.

Reid had walked into the bullpen from the elevator; he was still a little awkward as he had only just started five days ago.
The only people he knew in the building were Jason Gideon, Aaron Hotchner, Jennifer Jureau, Derek Morgan, and Penelope Garcia, so he wasn't well aquatinted with many people.

Before Reid could even sit down at his desk, Gideon was calling him, and everyone else, to the conference room for a case. This would be his first one so he was excited, but he knew excitement was not appropriate for a criminal investigation.

He met everyone else at a round table on the upper deck of offices above the bullpen area. He listened to the case being described to the team by Garcia as he also flipped through the files associated with the investigation; reading them at his 20,000 wpm pace.
When all of the sudden he stands up with a hand over his nose and part of his mouth, as he walked away towards a tissue box on a small table adjacent to the centered one.
Everyone else in the room turned their attention towards him. They didn't say anything, assuming he was just going to blow his nose.
But when Reid turned his head around quickly to usher them to continue, his hands were removed from his face as they both scrambled to collect tissues from the box.
Both of his nostrils had thick, opaque trails of blood streaming down to his chin.

Everyone except for Gideon straightened to attention. Garcia was frozen in fear—she really hated blood—and the first thing her brain registered was that Reid was injured in some way.

"What the hell?!" Morgan managed to speak first.

"Huh?" Reid said, a nasally accent behind his words as his nose was now clotted with blood.

Gideon was sitting peacefully, reading over the case file, knowing Reid needed to get used to solving his own problems.

"Are you having a stroke or something?!" Morgan yelled another question. Reid couldn't tell if he was angry or scared.

Hotch sat still, knowing there was some explanation to this strange affair, and waiting for an opportunity to ask his own, much calmer, questions.
JJ was scared and confused. As the media liaison, she didn't encounter much gore aside from the crime scene photos, so seeing this much blood on someone she had grown to befriend, honestly froze her.

"N-No." Reid was scared now as well, he was ashamed and embarrassed. He couldn't even explain himself well, he just started to ramble. "I couldn't-couldn't be having a stroke, because my nervous system is still functioning accordingly. My vision is fine, and so is my balance. I can still feel all of my limbs too."

Morgan stood up from his chair, and marched towards Reid. His intentions were anything but malicious, but his concern tended to present as anger to unfamiliar people.

"Are you ok?" Morgan asked, much more calm and quieted then before.
He placed his hands on either side of Reid's shoulders and stared at him intensely.

Reid nodded before taking a deep breath through his mouth when Morgan didn't release him.
"I'm ok. It's just a nosebleed. I have Thrombocytopenia." Reid stated calmly.

Morgan sighed, relived for some reason. He had no idea what Reid just said, but he register nosebleed and his confirmation of health. That's all he really asked for anyway.
He sat back down in the seat he left from and caught his breath slightly from his adrenaline spike a few second ago.

Hotch relaxed when Reid said he just had a nosebleed, and now didn't have to ask any of his own question about what was happening. The new recruit was completely fine.
JJ had also relaxed, but the bloody sight was still sickening. The same could be said for Garcia.

Reid slowly came back to his chair to sit down, uncomfortable with the eyes on him. He darted his own eyes between everyone else's, including Gideon's who wasn't even concerned with the incident that just took place.

"Are you guys done?" He looked up from the case file he had been reading, "Can we get back to the case?" A tinge of annoyance in his voice.

Reid nodded, provoking everyone else to agree.

Garcia was distracted now, but continued to finish the briefing with a few concerned looks towards Reid. He still had bloodied tissues pressed to his nose, and they were now soaked in red.

People really had to pay attention to what Reid said. He did warn them about this.

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