Reid's Mother

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(This idea came out of the blue, but yk. And btw this has a little bit of Moried in it too)

"Well, it's nice to meet you Ms. Reid." Morgan contemplated reaching his hand out to greet her, but he figured it wasn't necessary.
Spencer's mother didn't respond, she just ignored him and continued to look around the room. Morgan looked to Reid for an explanation of her actions, but he gave nothing back.

"Mom, you can't touch that. It's evidence." Reid said, taking a plastic biohazard bag out of her hands. It was a lock of hair with a little bit of blood on it. It was obviously from the current case they were working on.

Diana didn't seem to like that, and attempted to take it back. She wasn't in her right mind, so she couldn't really tell her aggressive actions were unneeded and out of place. She began to get more and more frantic, and started to yell.
Reid had a shameful expression on his face, obviously embarrassed his mother was making a scene in front of his coworkers. He directed the expression to them, and they took the hint.
The BAU members present, being all of them but Elle, began to file out of the room. They thought it was immature and awkward that Reid's mother was making such a fuss over something she wasn't even allowed to have, but she was Reid's family not theirs, so they'd let him deal with it.
At least they were going to until they heard a hard smack sound. They all turned their heads swiftly to see what happened, hoping Reid hadn't hit his mother. They then saw him with his head turned away and his glasses on the table, obviously having been thrown there, not set down neatly. The force of the hit must have knocked them off.

"Reid?" Garcia asked cautiously. They all had assumed what happened, but they didn't want to believe it.

"Can you guys get out?" He asked weakly.

"Reid, I think we should-" Morgan began, but was cut off.

"Get out." Reid demand, reaching for his glasses on the table and putting them back on.
Diana seemed confused to everyone's demeanor, and just idly looked around.

The others hurriedly filed out, worried but not willing to intervene on the other's family issues.
The room they left Reid and his mother in was glass, but it had blinds over every window. They watched from the bullpen desks as he walked around and closed them while giving apologetic looks to his team.

Over the next few minutes some yelling could be heard, along with some paper shuffling, and lastly a chair fumbling around. Like it had been thrown or knocked over.
Reid walked out soon after that with a box of the case evidence and files, but his mother was seemingly left unattended in the room.

"Reid, are you ok?" JJ asked, reaching a hand out to comfort him, but he took a step away to clearly state he didn't want to be touched.

"I'm fine. And I just want to say that my mother isn't usually like that." He walked with the box up to the conference room on the upper deck of the floor, the others followed him like baby ducks.

"Reid, I want to know if your home life was stable as a child. Were you...abused?" Hotch asked, placing his hand on the round table next to the box to get Reid's attention.

He was quiet for a little too long, wondering if he should lie or tell the truth, or even if lying was possible with what they just saw.
"It's not her fault." He said, beginning to empty the evidence back onto the table.

"There is no justification for her actions, Reid. You of all people should know how easy the mind of child can be groomed." Morgan raised his voice, frustrated that Reid wasn't angry, or even mildly upset. He felt a certain responsibility for other people facing abuse because of his own passed circumstances.

"I wasn't manipulated into thinking I deserved it, Morgan, if that's what you're trying to say." Reid retorted, using what little aggression he could muster to act as a shield to the question. He loved his mother, and he knew his mother loved him, but she was sick and it wasn't his business to give out that information, as Diana was entitled to her privacy.
But in reality it was about more than that. He didn't want to tell his coworkers and friends that his mother was a paranoid schizophrenic, because he knew they'd assume he would be just like her someday, and that had to be his greatest fear.

"Let's all just calm down." Gideon deescalated, "If he doesn't want to tell us the truth he isn't going to. The worst thing we can do is force him." He gave a look to Reid telling him he knew he was lying, whether it was about the manipulation part or the specifics of his mother.

Morgan backed down, storming out of the room. JJ gave Reid a sympathetic smile, letting him know she'd always be open to listening, and then she left the room as well; Garcia close behind her. She might not have been a trained profiler, but even she could read the room. She also had more context to the situation, knowing that Reid's mother was at a sanatorium before she was flown down in police custody.

Over the next few hours, everyone began to unravel. The pressure of the case and Reid's situation paired together was taking a toll on everyone. No one more than Morgan though.
He couldn't wrap his head around the idea of Reid wanting to protect his mother after what she'd presumedly done. He tried to talk to him about it, but he just shut down even further. The place Diana had hit him was red and inflamed, even hours later. Reid's glasses had a crack in one of the lenses from being hit onto the table. He looked disheveled to say the least.
As Morgan continued to fester his anger, Reid came up to him quietly.

"Can we talk for a minute?" He asked, seemingly uncomfortable.

"Yeah, for sure." All the anger left Morgan's body almost instantly, and was replaced by assurance that Reid was willing to talk. Even if he didn't know what it was about yet, he only hoped it was about his mother.

The two men made their way back up to the conference room, and settled on the small sofa in the corner.

"I just wanted to clear things up with my mom." Reid sighed, unwilling to even look at Morgan's face.

"Alright, I'm listening." He replied.

"She has schizophrenia, and her outburst, and her...hitting me," Reid touched the mark on his face, "It's not because she hates me or anything. She's just sick. She was at her care facility in Las Vegas when I flew her in in police custody. She doesn't like to fly, so she was already agitated."

"Reid, you're ranting." Morgan interjected softly, resting his hand on Reid's forearm.

"Sorry, I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. It's not her fault, it's mine. I shouldn't have gotten authoritative with her right after she got off her flight."

"No, don't do that." Morgan slid his hand from Reid's forearm to have it rest on top of his fingers. He squeezed them lightly. "Fine, it wasn't your moms fault, but it sure as hell wasn't yours."

"But I-"

"Stop, just listen to me. If she did nothing wrong, then you did nothing wrong. End of story." Morgan urged.

"Ok, alright." Reid chuckled, blinking small tears from his eyes.

"Good, now let's solve this case." Morgan threw his arm over Reid's shoulders, forcing him from the small couch and towards the table of evidence.

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