His Mother

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I was getting ready for bed and just as I got into my bed I heard knocking at my door
My mother and father were in another state so it was just me home
I went to the door wondering who it was and I unlocked it

"Hey Y/n," he sighed

"Come in it's cold out,"

He handed the jacket over and i hung it up for him and he walked off to the livingroom, head down, and I followed slowly after

"So what happened?"

"I got in a fight with my stepdad and my mom got angry at me for doing it and she sorta kicked me out." He said rubbing his neck

"Oh man, well you can stay in the livingroom for as long as you need."

"Oh and tomorrow I have to pick up Lily from my Mom's trailer,"

"Oh okay, I was going to sleep so I'll see you tomorrow morning," "Goodnight Jimmy, sweet dreams"

"Goodnight Y/n, see you tomorrow."

I went and layed down Turing on my small TV that was in my bedroom to watch what was on, enjoying these shows
I slowly went to sleep knowing Jimmy was in the other room

*Time Skip*

I woke up to some person breathing on my neck, I flinched and turned to see Jimmy right there
I then moved away yelling at him for what he has done

"Wtf Jimmy?" I yell jumping off my bed

"Good morning Y/n" he said seductive

"Why are you in my bed?" I yell

"I don't even know, anyways I gotta get Lily, cya later" And after that he ran off

'Wtf was that?' I question

The door shut and I went and got dressed starting to make breakfast for myself
And well all I ate was cereal that was in the cupboard cause I was so damn basic or I mean that's all I really had for food

"Wonder when I get to see Lily?" Just as I say this, I hear the knock on the door and I opened it and saw Lily in tears

"Omg, Lily what's wrong?" I ask

"She slipped outside your house on accident and she didn't like it as all as you can see" Marshall pronounced

"Oh Lily, I'm sorry. Should I get her ice?" I suggest

"I'm sure but also a first-aid kit just in case" he asked as he brought Lily to the living room laying her on the couch and rolling up her pants to get to the knee cut she had

"Y/n, I'm sure we're going to need the first-aid kit, wheres it at?" He asked

"Under the bathroom sink, might be in the far back" I yell across

"Found it, ima start on Lily okay." He mentioned

I yell off an a'ight and eventually walked into the room Lily and Marshall were in

"Okay so what have you done?"

"I just cleaned off some blood and bandaged her knees" he told

"Hey Lily, can you stay laying here and have this on your knees your cut will heal I had plenty from when I went to see my brother." I say

"Oh man same I cut one of my knees the other day cause I got shoved into a metal box by those other guys we beef with, but I'm good" he'd say

"Jimmy, you sure?" I ask

"Yeah, why do you ask?" He questioned

"Oh nothing, just wondering" I say

He stared at me for a second then looked off towards Lily, he was being such a nice big brother and helped her get though the pain

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