8 Mile - Horse Scene

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Hello everyone so this really isn't a request I just went with it cause I could but the oneshot is somewhat going to be about this:
(Ps. It's not exact word for word with the themes and the story)

Jimmy gets in a fight with his mother and takes his little sister next door to the babysitter and then he sits down and starts crying, just thinking about his life and how fucked up everything is.
But then he turns around and —get this— he sees a horse.
As in one of those horses the cops ride through the city and shit.
He sees this horse in a junkyard and he doesn’t know why it’s there.
He walks up and starts petting it.
Now, there’s something about horses and the way they throw their heads up-they jerk their heads around out of fucking nowhere.
Curtis kept telling me to grab the reins and pet it.
But the horse was doing this crazy head-jerking movement, and I thought, Any minute this motherfucker’s going to lift his head up and bust my fucking jaw and knock me the fuck out. Horses and me, we don’t get on too well. I wouldn’t fuck with a horse.
If a horse dissed me, I wouldn’t say anything back.

I know it's alot, once again it's not exactly like this theme like when 'Jimmy gets in am argument with his mother', that wont be in this.

I woke up the morning after the battles seeing Lily sitting on the edge of the couch I slept on coloring and Greg was on an arm chair watching TV with coffee in his hands

I was later told my both my parents that I had to either babysit Lily or get the neighbor to do so, I was tired of life and battling I was on to choose my neighbor to babysit her

I sat up trying not to kick Lily and I just stared at my mother who was walking out of her bedroom with her hand bag, at this point in time my mother and my stepdad had gotten well with each other so they did alot together

My mother left the door followed by her husband and I was left with Lily, well it was still early so I just kept her in, I gotten up to check the fridge and cupboards finding not much but maybe a couple cans of expired soup

We were starved plenty of times before so it wasn't anything new, I got Lily into my car and we went off to a friends place and we knocked on his door Lily in hand, he then answered letting us in and grabbing us a few snacks to eat

"Yo Jimmy, I heard your battling Friday night at the shelter?" He said

"Hold up, I'm doing what?" I asked looking around eventually looking at Lily who was right next to my chair

"Jimmy, I need the bathroom" Lily asked

My friend whose names Wink went off to get the door which it apparently was a pizza he ordered a couple of hours ago

"C'mon baby, let's go" I tell Lily

I can see when she feels save, especially when she's around me, I walked up the stairs Lily infront , asking Wink for his bathroom and he showed us where and leaving for the basement

"Alright baby I'll be outside of you need anything okay?" I reassured

"Mhm" she said walking though the bathroom closing the door behind her, this was one of a couple times where I had let her be alone and well this time I would've been with her in the bathroom if it weren't to be my friends place

"Honey are you good?" I asked

"Yeah, just washing my hands now" she said as the faucet turned on
She then came out walking next to me and for being a big girl, all that came out of my mouth was a good job with a high five

We walked back down and went to eat, watching what Wink had put on
Lily looked at me and I looked back realising the time and we waved bye at Wink and left

I took Lily to the babysitter that we had in out trailer park and just sat at the steps on my trailer breaking down in tears contemplating life and why it has to be so shitty, and out of nowhere I looked over seeing a horse in my blurry vision, walking over to it and petting him even if it was a huge fear of mine

I tried to pet the horse but it kept jerking his fucking head around making my nerves fucked

"H-hey buddy" I stutter

He continued to jerk his head around making me want to run off, I tried to pet him but he wouldn't stand still

"Fuck this" I said ducking, the horse trotted off towards the middle of the waste field that was nextdoor to the trailer park, I got back to the babysitters trailer, grabbing Lily and heading home, when I got to the road seeing neighbors pulling into there trailers I walked to the trailer with Lily sleeping in my arms

"Hey baby, can you get up?" I calmly ask

"Hmm?" She hummed slowly moving her head up

"Alright honey I have to get my keys and open the door, so I have to let you down" I continued calmly

I took Lily in and locked the door behind us for safety reasons,we don't live in the best neighborhood but we live in the best of what we could find

"Lily you need the bathroom now or you okay?" I asked

"Yes" she sleepily said

I took her in closing the door behind her, she went and I heard the faucet turn on, getting a call from my mother saying that she wouldn't be back for the rest of the weekend meaning I'll both have to find a babysitter for her and also babysit her myself

"Lily you done?" I ask she nods opening the door
I left for her room and tucked her in she asked me to sing for her so well I did

"I know this girl, her name is Lily
And it's past her bed-T-I-M-E
She goes to sleep and she can just dream
And not have to be in a stinky trailer with me
So when I feel blue, don't know what to do
I look at you, and I just say *pfft*"

She laughs cutely as I follow behind, she was getting comfortable as I went off to grab my device with my headphones and papers and headed back to Lily's room sitting at her desk writing lyrics as she slowly went to sleep

I looked over to Lily seeing her calmly sleeping body, I put my things off the side of the desk in Lily's bedroom and went out turing off the lights as I walked out

I went off to bed later after that.

Hope you enjoyed this story, and I hope y'all are having a wonderful day/night, if not I'm sorry.

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