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 Without even second guessing or arguing about it we picked up our bags and darted towards the exit despite Yukimura yelling out our names. 

We darted down the hallways and out into the parking lot and into the Jeep since it would seem to take more time in getting in separate vehicles.

Lydia called us in the middle of class to say that Derek had woken up and left. As if that helped calm my jumbling nerves.

“I don't think he's just younger in body.” Deaton tells us. “I think he's younger in his mind, too.” 

Lydia nods as she helps Deaton address his wounds. It was more of a scratch. Apparently Derek attacked him for the following reason. “He didn't recognize either of us. And he looked like he was scared out of his mind.” 

Great. So he’s young and he doesn’t remember any of us. I pulled my phone out to text Mom exactly what Deaton had said. Chances are we were going to need her if we want to find Derek and he doesn’t run away from us again. 

“So, if you're a teenage Werewolf, and you're scared, where do you go?” Stiles questioned as he thought about it.

“Home.” I answered confidently. “The Hale house.” I groaned, annoyed.

“If he’s young in mind, he doesn’t remember the fire. For him it hasn’t happened.”

Well then that royally sucks. Oh god he’s probably already there.

The house was destroyed. The house didn’t belong to us anymore. It belonged to the county. And just recently they brought it down. Derek and I actually went to see them demolish it. Morbid maybe. But that was his home, it was my home too because my parents and I spent more time there then our actual home. 

It was a ride of emotions seeing the country bring the house down. Right now it was just a pile of broken rotten wood. God when he sees all of that, I can’t imagine what’ll go in his mind. 

“Hold on.” Lydia says before we can rush out of the animal clinic. “Say you do manage to catch up to him? What are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?” 

They all looked at me for an answer. I didn't even know what to really say in the first place. “We’re gonna have to.” It’s the only thing we’ll be able to do. Because if we don’t tell him someone else will. And it’ll be harder coming from some strangers other than family. 

“Oh!” Lydia said sarcastically. “Good luck with that.” 

“She's probably right.” Stiles points out. “Maybe you shouldn't? You know, at least until we figure out how to get him back to normal.” 

“Well we can’t lie to him.” I told them. “Young or not he’s a werewolf he’s going to know.”

And I don’t want to imagine what he’ll do when that happens. I wonder if he would recognize me. That would be even more confusing to explain then all of this right now. 

Mom and Dad haven't aged much since he was that age, but well look at me. Do I look like a 10 year old who was worried about not catching cooties even though I couldn’t catch anything resembling a disease in the first place?

“I'll call my mom, he might not remember us right now but he will remember her.” We nodded. Right. Scott and Stiles exited and I went after them but paused. Something was inevitably going to go wrong.

“Hey Lydia?” Lydia looks up and I point at her jacket. “Can I borrow it? Just to hide my scent?” 

Lydia shrugs, slipping her jacket off and passing it to me. “Thanks.” I slipped it on. I have some perfume stored in the Jeep, I can spray some on so I will not smell like me again. I don’t want to confuse him any more.

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