Muted - 1

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“That table's Italian.” Peter scolds Braeden as she puts her feet up. The table also happened to be a gift from mom.

We had no choice but to call Braeden because we needed some help. Kate was still unfortunately alive, and out there doing god knows what.

We know she wasn’t the one who stole from us, technically, but we needed to find her soon. Because whatever she is planning is not going to be good for any of us. 

Braeden shrugs. “So are these boots.” I stifled a laugh and Peter shot me a dirty look for doing so. 

“Are we going to talk interior design and fashion, or are we going to talk numbers?” Braeden questioned. Peter writes down how much we will pay her and slides her the paper.

She gave it one look, scratched his number out and wrote another one. One that was definitely higher. 

Peter scoffs. “We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the president.” 

“I was hired by the Calaveras to find Kate.” She informed us. “You're hiring me to find her first. Going against the Calaveras is what's going to cost you.” Of course it is. 

Peter writes down another number that she doesn’t even glance at, but corrects either way.

Peter stands up exasperated from the couch. Mom takes the paper and rips it up impatiently. “We'll pay. Just find Kate. That's all we want.” 

“Are you insane?” Peter booms once Braeden leaves. “We don't have a choice.” Mom tells her brother. “We spent a week looking for her, and came up with nothing.” 

“If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault, we don't get those bonds back.” Peter reminds us.

“What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job?” Mom crossed her arms amused. “My resume is slightly out of date!" 

"Oh I didn't know." Mom said sarcastically. "You know there's an open position as janitor at the school. I'm sure you'd fit the role perfectly."

Peter scowls, not liking the joking one bit. "We got robbed, Andrea. Robbed!” 

"Oh for God Sakes, Peter grow up!" Mom yells at him. "We've done perfectly fine without even having to touch that money." 

"Well I'm not a highschool teacher or an author/part time lawyer!" Peter shoots back. 

Derek suddenly lets out a roar at them. Tired of their yelling, which they've done all morning. I frowned when I noticed something was off with his eyes.

I didn't notice before because of the height difference but his eyes were glowing yellow. “Oh... that's a new look for you." Peter muttered, as Mom approached him. 

"What happened to your eyes?” I mean they were blue. The blue they get after taking an innocent life. Paige.

I didn't really get that because she was going to die anyway, he just made it less painful. 

“I don't know." Derek admits. "But I'm willing to pay to find out.” 

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

“Of course you're still the team captain.” I told Scott as the boys and I walked onto the field for tryouts. I'm not actually gonna do anything.

I'm just here to support my best friend and my boyfriend. Plus, tryouts were the perfect chance to get through some homework.

And not school homework, Athena is making me study up on some magic. Was this whole thing kind of weird? Definitely. But I have to learn how this whole thing works anyway. 

“You got your grades up, just like Coach told you to, right?” 

Scott nods. “Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team-- he just told me to show up at try-outs today.” 

“We got bigger things to deal with, anyway.” Stiles dismissed. “Did you tell Argent yet?” 

Scott nods. “Uh, I texted him, but he didn't get back to me.” I paused and turned to Scott.

“You told him that his sister came back from the dead, is a were-jaguar, over text?”

Is he serious? That's probably even worse then breaking up with your girlfriend over text. 

“I didn't have the money to call France.” Scott replied sheepishly. 

“Yeah, you think you got money problems?" Stiles questioned. "Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House.”

“Another notice?” I questioned softly. Stiles nods. “Yeah. This one said "final." He sighed. This whole thing hasn't exactly been easy.

Part of me thinks we should just sue the hospital because of the fact Stilinski did say that when he went to specialists in LA, they told him "we're not sure" to avoid a Lawsuit. Especially since my dad is a lawyer. 

“Now, what the hell are we doing here, anyway?" Stiles said. "We got like, one hundred and seventeen million problems, and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them.” 

My eyes drift to the field where one of the players was playing goalie and catching every single ball.

He's not a werewolf from the smell of it. But that just makes his skill incredibly impressive. “It is now.” 

Both turned to look onto the field. “Who the hell is that???” 

"You know maybe he's just a really good goalie but he sucks at everything else?" I suggested, trying to be optimistic because I can smell the nervousness of both Scott and Stiles.

Like on cue, the kid removed his helmet. He can't be more than 15 years old. Brown hair that was currently spiked from being suffocated in the lacrosse helmet, sky blue eyes and an adorable grin.

One of the new members of the team praised him about possibly being the team's first freshmen captain. 

Which definitely doesn't help the boys. 

“Okay, maybe you guys should practice a little bit." I hummed a suggestion and they nodded rushing onto the field. 

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